Berichten Getagged: wireless

0BT Mesh WiFi

After repla­cing my BT SmartHub with a pfsense router, I’ve been look­ing to upgrade the house WiFi as well. Most devices are wired as most rooms have wired con­nec­tions I fit­ted for my par­ents years ago when wire­less was barely a real­ity. How­ever phones, tab­lets, e‑readers, and laptops really do work best with wire­less (or only with wire­less in some cases), and to work well need a wire­less sys­tem that enables mobility.
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0Wireless WiFi 802.11 ABGN LogoResolved: Wireless video streaming problem

I have a very strange issue which is caus­ing prob­lems play­ing videos over a wireless‑n net­work. Play­ing the videos causes the net­work to drop out after a short peri­od. Some­times this only lasts for 2–3 seconds, which just causes a video stut­ter. Oth­er times the drop out is more per­man­ent and takes nearly a minute to recov­er, unless the wire­less radio is switched off and back on, whereupon recon­nec­tion occurs.
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14Boxee Remote LogoThe search for a HTPC remote-keyboard

I’ve been look­ing for a new (more ver­sat­ile) remote con­trol for my HTPC. At the moment I have to use a full-size key­board as the remote con­trol has no such facil­ity. I’ve been look­ing for a suit­able remote con­trol with key­board, and whilst I haven’t yet found quite the right thing I have found some inter­est­ing products…
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