0DVB LogicFixed: DVBLink MCE Client first tune fail

One of my many HTPC cli­ents has had a strange prob­lem — the first time it is tuned into a chan­nel it fails with the com­mon (and mean­ing­less) Play Ready error. Chan­ging chan­nel once always seems to bring it back to life how­ever. After much dig­ging around I finally found the very straight­for­ward solution

I real­ised I had set the DVBLink cli­ent con­fig to point to the serv­er name, instead of the serv­er IP address. I’m not sure why this caused a prob­lem, but maybe the DNS delay was long enough to trig­ger a fail­ure, or maybe there was some con­fu­sion between IPv4 and IPv6 — I’m not sure if DVBLink sup­ports IPv6. Either way — make sur eyou use the IP Address for MCE cli­ents and all should be well

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