زوجان من xmases منذ اشتريت بلدي النصف أفضل لالأمازون النار HD 8 قرص كما أرادت لوحة الميزانية لقراءة الكتب في الليل, وللعب مباريات الروبوت مجانية مثل صراع العشائر. بدا النار خيارا مثاليا لأنه ربط بعين الاعتبار أوقد لها دون أي متاعب, وأيضا يقوم الروبوت. كان من الممكن أيضًا الحصول على جهاز جيد الحجم ضمن حد السعر الذي وضعناه لبعضنا البعض.
The problems started from day one. In their determination to plague us with more adverts than google, Amazon have opted to build their own version of android called FireOS instead of sticking with the Google version. Alongside this Amazon provide their own built-in apps and their own AppStore. None of this is a problem, ولكن للأسف, الأمازون لا توفر وسيلة لتثبيت متجر Google Play, and not all of the apps available on play store are available on the Amazon app store — including Clash of Clans! I’m not sure what the Amazon ‘excuse’ is for this, ولكن هذا جهد سيئة للغاية من جانبهم.
I immediately set about rooting the device so that I could install the Play Store and accomplished this quickly and easily and successfully installed the various games that my good lady wanted. ومع ذلك, ever since the device has been painfully slow and quickly stopped being used. I tried all sorts of online advice about clearing memory, removing apps, stopping programs running in the background, but nothing really made any significant difference.
After we moved house a year ago it remained buried away until I stumbled across it recently. I figured I had nothing to lose in trying to get it back to proper performance, so I started by doing a full factory reset to see if it was still so slow in a default state. As I expected the factory reset made a huge difference and the performance because entirely usable as expected. I thought it would be more useful in this condition as a backlit ebook reader so decided not to try rooting it again, ولكن ما زلت تريد أن تجد وسيلة لتثبيت الألعاب زوجتي أرادت أن تلعب إذا لم أستطع.
After some searching I found an article at liliputing.com التي هي نفسها مرتبطة وظيفة على الكمبيوتر الكفي المطورين من Gilly10. The basic process is that the 4 APKs needed for the google play store can be downloaded and installed manually. There are 3 red “notes” at the top of the post on xda-developers, الكل 3 of these applied to my device and probably apply to most other devices too.
تثبيت هذه 4 APK’s and restarting worked fully as hoped. After logging into my wife’s google account app of the apps previously installed were (بطيء جدا) restored automatically, and I then restarted the device again. Upon first inspection there is no difference between the device prior to the factory reset, وكيف يتم الآن تعيين عنه. وفي كلتا الحالتين يتم تثبيت مخزن اللعب ويتم تثبيت كافة التطبيقات زوجتي أرادت. There is a reasonable amount of free ذاكرة الوصول العشوائي and free storage. However the performance difference is enormous. Whilst it was originally almost unusable, هو الآن قابلة للاستخدام تماما, with similar performance to a medium-range android phone.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”