0Tirando o máximo proveito das câmeras HikVision

Eu tenho uma mini câmera dome 4Mpix HikVision para CFTV em casa. Ele fornece uma imagem bastante razoável, considerando o preço, mas a interface de gerenciamento é um pouco inútil, e configurá-lo com qualquer coisa é um incômodo, então aqui estão algumas notas sobre como fazê-lo funcionar ...

Primeiro, some cred­it to Kyle at the use-ip for­ums for post­ing some help­ful information.


It is well worth updat­ing the firm­ware but Hik­Vi­sion don’t make this easy to find. My cam­era is a DS-2CD1341-I, but googling for it does­n’t help reveal any firm­ware for it. You need to know that it is often ref­ered to by Hik­Vi­sion as part of the 1×41 series or the R6 plat­form. At time of writ­ing (1st Poderia 2020) the latest firm­ware for all R6 cam­er­as includ­ing mine is 5.5.82, which is avail­able from Hik­Vi­sion Europe.


Des­pite recent firm­ware hik­vi­sion haven’t figured out a way to write a plu­gin for Chrome or Fire­fox, so you are forced to use the very ancient Inter­net Explorer 11 to do things like update the firm­ware on the camera!

Adicionando ao Milestone XProtect

You need to enable the cam­er­a’s ONVIF fea­ture, which is found in Net­work -> Advanced Set­tings -> Integ­ra­tion Protocol
Set a user­name and pass­word to access the cam­era with ONVIF
Quando o ONVIF estiver ativado, in mile­stone add the cam­era manu­ally by expand­ing “Record­ing Serv­ers”, then right click on your serv­er name and select “add hard­ware”. Select the manu­al option, use the add but­ton and add the ONVIF user­name and pass­word you set on the cam­era, depois clique próximo. Select “clear all” and then scroll down to ONVIF and expand it and select “ONVIF Con­form­ant Device” and click next. Na próxima página, digite apenas o IP address of the cam­era, e clique em próximo. From here it should be suc­cess­fully detec­ted and you can click next and yes through the rest of the menus

Acessando fluxos diretamente

Eu encontrei pelo menos 2 paths that work to access the stream from my cam­era dir­ectly. These will work in some­thing like VLC play­er, but can­’t be web-streamed as they are RTSP which no browsers nat­ively support.

  • rtsp://nome de usuário:senha@endereço de IP:554/Transmissão / canais / 101
  • rtsp://nome de usuário:senha@endereço de IP:554/h264 / ch1 / main / av_stream

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