Siempre recomiendo que la gente instale un navegador alternativo a Internet Explorer. personalmente prefiero Fuego-fox a las otras alternativas (Cromo, Ópera, Safari) ya que encuentro que la gran cantidad de complementos que se ofrecen le dan una ventaja incuestionable. Recientemente he experimentado con el Sin guión Añadir, que mejora la seguridad al bloquear objetos activos y scripts a menos que se apruebe explícitamente. Sin embargo, descubrí que siempre tenía que otorgar permiso a cada sitio que visitaba para que funcionara correctamente..
The main reason I wanted NoScript was to prevent XSS exploits, but I didn’t want genuine local scripts blocked. This can be achieved with NoScript by opening its options, ticking “temporarily allow top-level sites by default” and choosing “Base 2Dakota del Norte level Domains (". This should substantially reduce how frequently you need to grant a site permissions.
I’m sure some people will try to preach that this isn’t ‘properly’ secure, but for most users if they have to choose between removing NoScript, or having it in its default configuration, the majority will choose to go without it. Using it in this configuration will block XSS exploits and offer significantly improved security without much compromise to ease of browsing.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”