Posts Tagged: media center

0DVB LogicPlanning a new networked home media setup

In the com­ing months I will be buy­ing a new prop­erty, and to go with my new home, I’ve been read­ing up lots on how I might integ­rate a new home media setup. In recent months sev­er­al excit­ing new options have become avail­able, which finally makes the sort of setup I have always desired a real pos­sib­il­ity.… Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0Images by Name Studios LogoNew IBN Studios upload

A user called “Chip­monkery” has uploaded a new stu­di­os pack to the [int­link id=“2659” type=“post”]IBN project[/intlink].  This doubles the pre­vi­ous num­ber of stu­dio images. Hope­fully it will include many (or at least some) of the icons I lis­ted in my [int­link id=“78” type=“post”]earlier post[/intlink].  I will update that post accordingly.

2Windows Media Center eHome LogoFull 7MC codec setup

I’ve pre­vi­ously pos­ted sev­er­al times about codec issues on 7mc, but I’ve now got a solu­tion that is com­pre­hens­ive, fairly simple and works con­sist­ently. With a few free codecs and util­it­ies you can have full decod­ing sup­port, DXVA, sub­titles and fant­ast­ic flex­ib­il­ity work­ing in 64bit (or 32bit) Media Cen­ter. The fol­low­ing instruc­tions are spe­cif­ic to the x64 edi­tion, but should work just as well on the 32bit edition.
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0UK Channel LogosChannel Logos (formerly on

The Theme7mc site seems to have been pulled, and loc­at­ing the resources that used to be on it isn’t straight-for­ward. As a former con­trib­ut­or I was keen to find where the con­tents had gone and am pleased I can point people to the Theme7mc archive post on where they can all be found.

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0Haali Matroska logoProblems with DS splitters playing a range of m2ts files

Ever since set­tings up a HTPC run­ning Win7 Media Cen­ter I have had the occa­sion­al prob­lem play­ing m2ts files. ffd­show sup­ports all of the codecs used in m2ts files but still a few files play without without either audio or video, or the play­back isn’t smooth des­pite more than ample hard­ware. I have exper­i­mented extens­ively with both haali matroska split­ter and [int­link id=“58” type=“post”]gabests mpeg splitter[/intlink] but both have their flaws.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

0ITV-HD LogoITV-HD as a proper channel

ITV-HD is finally avail­able as a prop­er chan­nel. For any­one manu­ally tun­ing a freesat box of Media Cen­ter PC you need to add 10832MHz with 22600 ksym­bols on hori­zont­al. 2 extra chan­nels should appear called 10000 and 10001. I can­’t remem­ber the chan­nel num­bers (and I have now renumbered them) but there were between 1000 and 1100 I think.
Makalenin Tamamını Oku

1Closed Captions Subtitles LogoSubtitles and DXVA in Windows Media Center 7 x64

Thanks to a guide on I have been able to get sub­titles work­ing with hard­ware accel­er­ated decod­ing in Win­dows Media Cen­ter 7 x64.

For this sim­pli­fied guide to work you must already be com­fort­able with the vari­ous tweaks neces­sary to change the default codecs used in Media Cen­ter. Once you know how to tweak codecs (and change their mer­its) you can simply fol­low these steps…
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