I recently encountered a very strange problem in outlook 2007. E‑mails sent to large numbers of recipients (approx 30) were suffering from some corruption where a large part of the header was appearing in the content of the e‑mail. The appeared as a long string of random characters followed by some text (eg “Sosha1_v1;7” and “x‑cr-puzzleid”) that suggested the garbled text was part of the outlook anti-spam “postmark” feature. The e‑mail message appeared as normal below this corrupt text. Another symptom of the problem was e‑mail failing to send properly the first time send/receive was clicked.
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Articles taggés : Microsoft Outlook
Débarrassez-vous de la vitre perspectives de lecture
L'une des choses les plus irritantes en MS Outlook est le volet de lecture. Non seulement il est activé par défaut, mais selon Microsoft il n'y a aucun moyen de modifier cette valeur par défaut. Bien, Je ne suis pas d'accord.…
Voici des instructions spécifiques pour Outlook 2007. D'autres versions de perspectives seront sans aucun doute un peu différent, mais il devrait être possible de retrouver les mêmes réglages
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”