Berichten Getagged: wol

4Sleep and WOL with Intel 82567LM‑3

I have a couple of old USFF Dell Opti­plex 760 PCs that have a built-in Intel 82567LM‑3 gig­abit eth­er­net con­nec­tion. Get­ting this adapter to work with both Sleep (S3 Sus­pend to RAM) and WOL (Wake on LAN) has proven very tricky. The PC ori­gin­ally came with Win­dows Vista and as a busi­ness class PC you’d expect these 2 fea­tures to work but it has always been a battle to get them working.
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0Alarm Clock LogoPHP / JavaScript to wake a PC remotely

I have an HTPC and a net­work serv­er on my net­work. My serv­er is always on, but the HTPC sleeps when it is not in use. If I want to sched­ule record­ings remotely I need a way to wake the HTPCThe solu­tion I came up with is to provide a webpage on my serv­er (pass­word pro­tec­ted) that wakes the HTPC and then redir­ects to the web inter­face of the remote con­trol app of the HTPCBelow is the code for any­one interested…
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