Centos 8 finalmente foi liberado e irá eventualmente fornecer a base para uma nova plataforma de hospedagem para nós. However it isn’t quite ready as there are a few packages not yet available.
The following are packages that we use as part of our hosting that aren’t yet available. Hopefully these will become available soon. Whilst we could compile them ourselves, we prefer to use a package manager as this means software can easily be kept up to date.
- nginx-mais
- certbot
- zopfli
- OptiPNG
- gifsicle
- libwebp-tools
- pngquant
- nodejs-limpo-css
- mysqltuner
We could manage without most of these tools but nginx-more is essential and losing certbot and zopfli would mean significant reconfiguring. Espero que o último destes para ficar pronto é nginx-mais como ele é atualizado a menos regularmente.
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”