DownloadsDownloads: Files and Utilities

Note: There are no sponsored links to apps in the lists here. Everything lis­ted is lis­ted because we think it’s excel­lent or have found it useful.

Hosted by DIY Media Home

Made by us

Related art­icleMir­ror 1Mir­ror 2
New 3D stark-covers3D cov­ers (288k)3D cov­ers (360k)
IE7 Unat­ten­ded FixIE7-Unat­ten­ded (1k)IE7-Unat­ten­ded (4k)
IE8 Unat­ten­ded FixIE8-Unat­ten­ded (1k)IE8-Unat­ten­ded (4k)
TomTom Alert TonesTomTom Alerts (832k)TomTom Alerts (3,691k)
UK Chan­nel LogosVer­sion 1 (22−6−09) (967k)
Ver­sion 2 (14−7−09) (2,355k)
Ver­sion 3 (12−10−11) (252k)
Ver­sion 1 (997k)
Ver­sion 2 (2,794k)
Ver­sion 3 (252k)
New GoogleMaps IconsVer­sion 2 (146k)
Ori­gin­als (not made by us) (152k)
Ver­sion 2 (171k)
Ori­gin­als (not made by us) (152k)
OpenTTD Cuba ScenarioCuba (Tem­per­ate) Scen­ario (168k)
Cuba Height­map (92k)
Height­map for google earth (98k)
SRTM4 DEM (9,282k)
Micro­dem Heights Cal­cu­lat­or (14k)
Cuba (Tem­per­ate) Scen­ario (167k)
Cuba Height­map (86k)
Height­map for google earth (91k)
SRTM4 DEM (13,884k)
Micro­dem Heights Cal­cu­lat­or (10k)
Any­Rail Hornby SeTrack geometriesLon­don Kings Cross (33k)
SeTrack geo­met­ries (183k)
Shef­field Vic­tor­ia (38k)
Triple loop (95k)
Lon­don Kings Cross (33k)
SeTrack geo­met­ries (183k)
Shef­field Vic­tor­ia (38k)
Triple loop (95k)

Mirrored by us

Starred items are apps that were pre­vi­ously free but that have been replaced with new­er non-free versions

Related art­icleMir­ror 1Mir­ror 2
Helios Neo­Link 1.4Neo­Link 1.4 (44,721k)Neo­Link 1.4 (44,721k)
Helios H4000, X3000, X5000
User Guides & Documents
Helios Doc­u­ments (796k)Helios Doc­u­ments (6,168k)
Helios H4000 firm­ware v9H4000 firm­ware (1,057k)H4000 firm­ware (2,243k)
Helios X5000 firmware20-Oct-2006 (1,920k)
8‑Jan-2007 (1,920k)
10-Apr-2007 (2,125k)
20-Oct-2006 (3,445k)
8‑Jan-2007 (3,445k)
10-Apr-2007 (3,646k)
Helios X3000 firmware20-Oct-2006 (1,919k)
22-Dec-2006 (1,920k)
10-Apr-2007 (2,124k)
20-Oct-2006 (3,464k)
22-Dec-2006 (3,464k)
10-Apr-2007 (3,665k)
SSD Soft­ware Device DriverSSD driver (7k)SSD driver (7k)
Nokia CA-42 Cable DriverCA-42 driver (45k)CA-42 driver (54k)
Install­Shield AIO ScriptEngineScript Engine (2,642k)Script Engine (2,638k)
Intel­li­Type 2.22 (10,019k)Intel­li­Type 2.22 (9,906k)
Intel­li­Point 4.12 (9,918k)Intel­li­Point 4.12 (9,799k)
Stark Cov­ers (10-Oct-2009)Stark Cov­ers (15,062k)Stark Cov­ers (18,550k)
Media Cen­ter StudioMC Stu­dio (1,743k)MC Stu­dio (1,698k)
IcoFX 1.6.4*IcoFX 1.6.4 (1,488k)IcoFX 1.6.4 (1,488k)
ProduKeyProduKey x86 (46k)
ProduKey x64 (55k)
ProduKey x86 (46k)
ProduKey x64 (55k)
LG PC Suite 3LG PC Suite 3.1.19 (99,810k)
LG PC Suite 3.1.20 (99,772k)
LG PC Suite 3.1.19 (99,810k)
LG PC Suite 3.1.20 (99,772k)
Set­tlers 2 Win­dows XP FixesVGA Fix (94k)
UniRe­fresh (79k)
NoLFB (1k)
AX-VGA (5k)
VGA Fix (94k)
UniRe­fresh (79k)
NoLFB (1k)
AX-VGA (5k)
TunerSalad*TunerSalad Footlong (103k)TunerSalad Footlong (103k)
Galax­Sim Unlock*Galax­SimUn­lock 1.0 (108k)Galax­SimUn­lock 1.0 (108k)
Meta<Browser/>*Meta<Browser/> 1.0 (2,043k)Meta<Browser/> 1.0 (2,043k)
Vir­tu­al­Dub x64 PluginsMeta<Browser/> 1.0 (2,043k)Vir­tu­al­Dub x64 plu­gins (2,043k)

The Bluetooth Guide Files

DetailsMir­ror 1Mir­ror 2
Broad­com Blutoni­um Uninstaller7zzip
TDK BlueAl­ert Utility7zzip
Bluetooth Guide v1 (26-Oct-2003)pdfzip
Bluetooth Guide v2 (16-Feb-2004)pdfzip
Bluetooth Guide v3 (8‑May-2004)pdfzip
Bluetooth Guide v3b (15-Sept-2004)chmzip
Install­a­tion INF for 3Com 3CRWB6096B ver­sion 3 PC Cardinfzip
Wid­comm Install­a­tion Driver Recog­ni­tion File (for v
USB Firm­ware Update Utility7zzip
Gen­er­ic CSR Firm­ware (31st March 2004) v839 for BlueCore2 based devicesdfuzip
Dell CSR Firm­ware (29th March 2004) for Dell devices onlydfuzip
Fix for (some) USB dongles that are stuck in DFU mode after a firm­ware update (includ­ing the D‑Link DBT-120 rev B3)7zzip
Dis­able Key Indic­a­tion Registry Fragmentregzip
Microsoft Win­dows XP Pre-SP2 Bluetooth Patch (Q323183)7zzip
Dis­able Net­work Secur­ity Registry Fragmentregzip
Wid­comm Bluetooth Dia­gnost­ic / Mon­it­or­ing Tool7zzip

Collaborative ImagesByName Project

Mirrored here as has had a rocky history

Descrip­tionMir­ror 1Mir­ror 2
People Wave 1 (396Mb)7z7z
3D Box­set Cov­ers 2.0 (349Mb)7z7z
Ori­gin­al Stu­dio Base Images, 15-Jan-2010 (1.27Mb)7z7z
Rom­in­at­or Stu­dio Logos 3.0 (18.4Mb)7z7z
Chip Stu­dio Logos 1.0 (43.6Mb)7z7z
Techols Movie & TV Rat­ings 3.0 (1.46Mb)7z7z

External Links


Moz­illa Firefox112.0.0
Google Chrome121.0.6167.86

AV Codecs & Media Players

LAV Fil­ters0.78.0

Media Related Apps

Media Cen­ter Master2.25

Oth­er Recom­men­ded Free Utilities

Note: Items marked with a * are either no longer avail­able on their ori­gin­al site, are hos­ted on unre­li­able sites, or were hos­ted on sites that no longer exist. In these cases they can be found under our list of “hos­ted by us” files above

IcoFX 1.6.4Free icon extract­or and edit­or. Sup­ports full alpha trans­par­ency, win­dows 7 x64 and 256×256 pixel icons amongst oth­er fea­tures. Note: Ver­sion 2 and above are no longer freeware.
EACExact Audio Copy. Enables bit-per­fect jit­ter-free rip­ping of audio CD’s, includ­ing com­pres­sion to com­mon formats includ­ing FLAC
MP3tagAudio-file tag­ger. Includes intel­li­gent file­name < > tag con­ver­sion, sup­port for a wide range of tag­ging formats and full manu­al con­trol of all tag / meta data.
ProduKeyUtil­ity to retrieve seri­al num­bers from Microsoft products pri­or to a reinstall.
Clown­BDUtil­ity to rip HD video from BluRay disks. Enables re-author­ing, stream selec­tion, and auto­mat­ic mer­ging of the m2ts files that make up the movie.
CCle­an­er & CCEnhan­cerUtil­ity, and extra applic­a­tion pro­files, to clean up unneeded files and pro­grams from windows.
Sys­tem NinjaUtil­ity to clean up unneeded files and pro­grams from windows.
CPU-ZUtil­ity to identi­fy the hard­ware in your system.
SpeccyUtil­ity to identi­fy the hard­ware in your sys­tem. Offers more gen­er­al sys­tem inform­a­tion than the alternatives.
Speed­FanUtil­ity to mon­it­or and con­trol tem­per­at­ures and fan speeds.
Vir­tu­al­Dub or Vir­tu­al­Dub­ModUtil­ity to edit, enhance and recode video. Extend­ible with plu­gins. See the art­icle for more inform­a­tion on 64bit plu­gins
Key Update ToolUtil­ity from Microsoft to change the seri­al key for an installed instance of win­dows. Espe­cially use­ful if an OEM licensed machine has been installed with a cor­por­ate key and need to be reverted.
7zipDecom­pres­sion util­ity with sup­port for all com­mon formats. Achieves very high compression.
Free DVD MP3 RipperFree­ware util­ity which can extract audio from DVD, VCD/SVCD and MPEG (MPEG-1, MPEG-2) files into MP3s.
Reg­ShotFree­ware util­ity which takes a before and after snap­shot of the Win­dows registry. Very use­ful for identi­fy­ing changes made to the registry by pro­grams, espe­cially dur­ing installation.
InSSIDerUtil­ity to detect the pres­ence and details of nearby wire­less net­works. Effect­ively a Win­dows 7 com­pat­ible replace­ment for NetStumbler
DVD FlickSimple DVD Author­ing tool
Google EarthGoogle’s fam­ous satel­lite imagery of plan­et Earth
Medi­aInfoUtil­ity for identi­fy­ing media file formats and the codecs con­tained within
Auda­cityFree audio edit­ing tool
Microsoft Pro Photo ToolsUtil­ity to edit the metadata in pho­tos (now dis­con­tin­ued by Microsoft, down­load link is to 3rd party)
Word­WebSys­tem Tray dic­tion­ary and thesaurus
Cue Split­terCan split albums stored as a single audio file into sep­ar­ate tracks using an asso­ci­ated cue file
FooBar2000Media Play­er with lots of power­ful util­it­ies built-in. Can split and transcode file formats that oth­er util­it­ies struggle with (bijv. split­ting cue/flac 24Bit 96KHz or transcod­ing M4A/ALAC to FLAC)
DrDOS Boot­diskSee the “Driver Free Disk For BIOS Flash­ing” section.
CDBurn­er­XPCD, DVD and BluRay writ­ing tool.
Radio Down­load­erPod­cast and BBC Radio Downloader.
PNG­Gaunt­letExcel­lent util­ity for com­press­ing PNG images as much as pos­sible. Uses the power of 3 util­it­ies: PNGOUT, OptiPNG and DeflOpt.
Microsoft Power­Toys (includ­ing image resizer)A right-click image res­ize util­ity, sim­il­ar to the old Image Res­izer Power­Toy. Offers sev­er­al options and res­ol­u­tions. Com­pat­ible with Win 7, 64bit OSes.
Test DiskAn excel­lent multi-plat­form FOSS util­ity that can recov­er lost par­ti­tions, make non-boot­ing disks boot­able again, unformat, and recov­er files.
Vir­tu­al CloneDriveCre­ates a vir­tu­al optic­al drive for mount­ing ISOs and oth­er images of CDs, DVDs and BDs.
Xtreme Down­load ManagerA free (open source) down­load man­ager that can also down­load videos from many pop­u­lar sites. Bet­ter than YTD Tou­Tube Down­load­er Basic which I used to recommend
SQL Dump file splitterUtil­ity to break SQL files into mul­tiple smal­ler files. Ideal for get­ting around file-size lim­its in phpMyAdmin.
FileZ­illa FTP ClientExcel­lent free open-source FTP cli­ent and server.
Hand­brakePower­ful free open-source video transcode app. Includes extens­ive con­fig­ur­a­tion options for h.264
UltraVNCEasy-to-use free altern­at­ive to remote desktop in win­dows. Does­n’t impose some of the arti­fi­cial restric­tions that remote desktop has.
PreyFree ser­vice to remotely mon­it­or, track, lock or wipe your PC (or phone) if it gets stolen.
Win­ampThe ori­gin­al and best free MP3 play­er soft­ware. Now sup­ports many oth­er files fea­tures and formats.
John’s Back­ground SwitcherFree tray util­ity that cre­ates a slide-show as your wall­pa­per. Can use pho­tos dir­ectly from many photo-shar­ing sites if provided with your login details.
AVStoD­VDFree util­ity to burn a wide range of video formats to stand­ards-com­pli­ant DVD-Video.
HP USB Disk Stor­age Format ToolA free util­ity ori­gin­ally made by HP that will enable you to format you USB Flash drive and make it bootable.
PeerB­lockA free util­ity which offers some secur­ity by block­ing access to many IP addresses known to be dodgy. Par­tic­u­larly use­ful for users of tor­rent sites.
Greedy Tor­rentA free util­ity for users of tor­rents which allows you to down­load without uploads (d.w.z. leech) by report­ing a false upload value back to the tracker.
fat32formatUtil­ity to format drives and flash cards to fat32, bey­ond the 32gig size lim­it imposed by the win­dows format tool.
Mac­ri­um ReflectUtil­ity to clone, back-up and image HDDs and HDD par­ti­tions. Very use­ful when upgrad­ing a sys­tem HDD to an SSD.
Defrag­glerUtil­ity to defrag­ment disk drives. More power­ful and flex­ible than the inbuilt win­dows tool, with the clas­sic visu­al rep­res­ent­a­tion included too.
Stel­lari­umView inform­a­tion about celes­ti­al bodies.
HuginImpress­ive tool for join­ing pho­tos into pan­or­amics. Bet­ter FOSS replace­ment for the EOL “image com­pos­i­tion edit­or” once made by Microsoft
Tor­toise SVNProvides SVN sup­port to win­dows with an easy to use interface.
Set­FileD­ateUtil­ity for chan­ging the cre­ated, mod­i­fied and accessed times for files in win­dows. Use­ful for chan­ging timestamp of com­pressed or remuxed video files which are part of a photo gal­lery sor­ted by date taken.
PuTTYUtil­ity equi­val­ent to tel­net for SSH con­nec­tions. Essen­tial for remote admin of *nix serv­ers from a win­dows client.
Adw­Clean­erExcel­lent util­ity for remov­ing stub­born mal­ware that Mal­ware­Bytes and your anti-vir­us fail to remove.
Bad PeggyScans for bad images, includ­ing jpeg and png.
AviDemuxSmall and simple but power­ful tool for rotat­ing and crop­ping videos. Sup­ports all mod­ern formats. Can do time-crop­ping without re-encoding.
Fake­FlashT­estUtil­ity to check the capa­city of flash drives and flash memory cards. Many fake cards are actu­ally smal­ler than advertised.
RufusUtil­ity to format remov­able drives includ­ing being able to write boot­able images dur­ing the process.
AviDemuxUtil­ity that can con­vert video files, includ­ing TS streams with audio that changes format mid-stream. Also allows crop­ping the length of the file.
RipBot264Also lis­ted under the “media related apps” sec­tion — fant­ast­ic tool for recom­press­ing videos into the latest formats (bijv. HEVC / h.265). Sup­ports net­worked dis­tri­bu­tion to speed up the work using mul­tiple PCs.
Patch Clean­erRemoves redund­ant patch files from the win­dows installer folder which can save a lot of disk space on older systems.
Cue ToolsPower­ful and advanced tool for split­ting single-CD music rips into mul­tiple tracks. Sup­ports high bit-rate and sample rate, and also checks final tracks against the Accura­teRip data­base, like EAC would do with a CD rip.
Met­eor­ite MKV RepairA repair tool for MKV files which (for example) can fix files that Rip­Bot could­n’t recode due to errors.

Recom­men­ded non-free Utilities

HDD Regenerator$99.00Can recov­er and repair (without remap­ping) many bad sec­tors on a HDD. Can be price­less for data recovery.
Per­fect­Disk Pro$29.99Power­ful defrag util­ity which can defrag NTFS metadata, boot­sect­or etc.

External Links — Ancient Archives!


x86 32bitx64 AMD64 x86-64 64bit
Microsoft Inter­net Explorer9.0 (Win Vista)
11.0 (Win 7)
9.0 (Win Vista)
11.0 (Win 7)

AV Codecs & Media Players

x86 32bitx64 AMD64 x86-64 64bit
ffd­show Tryouts1.3.4531
Haali Media SplitterCom­bined installer 13-06-2013
Quite­time Lite4.1.0no
Real Altern­at­ive2.02no
Xiph Dir­ect­Show Filterscom­bined installer 0.85.17777

Media Related Apps


x86 32bitx64 AMD64 x86-64 64bit
MC-TVCon­vert­erVer­sion 2.1.0
MCE LoveFilm4.1.3
Remote Potato1.0.6
VC1tweakVC1tweak thread on doom9
Mac­ro­TubeMac­ro­Tube providers
Media Cen­ter Themer1.51

Updates, Runtimes and Plu­gins for Windows

x86 32bitx64 AMD64 x86-64 64bit
Microsoft Secur­ity Essentials4.8.204.0
Microsoft .NET Framework1.0 (only if you really need it)
1.1 (only if you really need it)
3.5 SP1 (includes 2.0, 3.0)
4.0 (Win XP, 2003)
4.7.2 (Win Vista and newer)
Java RuntimesJRE 9.0.1
Adobe Flash Player27.0.0.183
Microsoft Sil­ver­light5.1.50907.0
Microsoft Visu­al C++

(latest ver­sion page by Microsoft)

2005 SP1
2008 SP1
2010 SP1
2012 u4
2015 u32017
2005 SP1
2008 SP1
2010 SP1
2012 u4
2015 u32017
Microsoft Dir­ectX 9.0cv9.29.1974 (18-Apr-2011)
Win­dows Installer4.5 (Win XP, Vista, 2003, 2008)
Office Com­pat­ib­il­ity Packver­sion 4 (2010)
Microsoft Cam­era Codec Pack6.3.9721.0

Microsoft Ser­vice Packs

Formatx86 32bitx64 AMD64 x86-64 64bit
Win­dows 2000Ser­vice Pack 4n/a
Win­dows XPSer­vice Pack 3Ser­vice Pack 2
Win­dows VistaSer­vice Pack 1 x86
Ser­vice Pack 2 x86
Ser­vice Pack 1 x64
Ser­vice Pack 2 x64
Win­dows 7Ser­vice Pack 1
Win­dows 8.1-
Win­dows Serv­er 2003Ser­vice Pack 2 x86Ser­vice Pack 2 x64
Win­dows Serv­er 2008Ser­vice Pack 2 x86Ser­vice Pack 2 x64
Win­dows Serv­er 2008 R2n/aSer­vice Pack 1
Win­dows Serv­er 2012n/a-
Office 2000Ser­vice Pack 3n/a
Office XPSer­vice Pack 3n/a
Office 2003Ser­vice Pack 3n/a
Office 2007Ser­vice Pack 3n/a
Office 2010Ser­vice Pack 2 x86Ser­vice Pack 2 x64
Office 2013Ser­vice Pack 1 x86Ser­vice Pack 1 x64

Doc­u­ment & file viewers

Word (DOCDOCX)Word View­er. Opens both DOC and DOCX word doc­u­ments from Word 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Excel (XLSXLSX)Excel View­er. Opens both XLS and XLSX excel spread­sheets from Excel 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Power­point (PPTPPTX)Power­Point View­er. Opens both PPT and PPTX power­point present­a­tions from Power­Point 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010 and 2013.
Acrobat (PDF)Adobe Read­er XI. Opens all PDF files.
RAW digit­al imagesMicrosoft Cam­era Codec Pack. Sup­ports RAW files from many pop­u­lar digit­al cameras.

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