لدي 4Mpix HikVision كاميرا قبة صغيرة لكاميرات المراقبة في المنزل. يوفر صورة معقولة جدا بالنظر إلى السعر, لكن واجهة الإدارة قمامة قليلاً ، وإن إعدادها بأي شيء هو أمر مزعج قليلاً, لذا إليك بعض الملاحظات حول تشغيلها ...
الأول, some credit to Kyle at the use-ip forums for posting some helpful information.
البرامج الثابتة
It is well worth updating the firmware but HikVision don’t make this easy to find. My camera is a DS-2CD1341‑I, but googling for it doesn’t help reveal any firmware for it. You need to know that it is often refered to by HikVision as part of the 1×41 series or the R6 platform. At time of writing (1شارع قد 2020) the latest firmware for all R6 cameras including mine is 5.5.82, which is available from HikVision Europe.
Despite recent firmware hikvision haven’t figured out a way to write a plugin for Chrome or Firefox, so you are forced to use the very ancient Internet Explorer 11 to do things like update the firmware on the camera!
إضافة إلى Milestone XProtect
You need to enable the camera’s ONVIF feature, which is found in Network -> Advanced Settings -> Integration Protocol
Set a username and password to access the camera with ONVIF
بمجرد تمكين ONVIF, in milestone add the camera manually by expanding “Recording Servers”, then right click on your server name and select “add hardware”. Select the manual option, use the add button and add the ONVIF username and password you set on the camera, ثم انقر فوق التالي. Select “clear all” and then scroll down to ONVIF and expand it and select “ONVIF Conformant Device” and click next. في الصفحة التالية أدخل فقط IP address of the camera, وانقر فوق التالي. From here it should be successfully detected and you can click next and yes through the rest of the menus
الوصول إلى التدفقات مباشرة
لقد وجدت على الأقل 2 paths that work to access the stream from my camera directly. These will work in something like VLC player, but can’t be web-streamed as they are RTSP which no browsers natively support.
- RTSP://اسم المستخدم:كلمة المرور@عنوان بروتوكول الإنترنت:554/الجري / القنوات / 101
- RTSP://اسم المستخدم:كلمة المرور@عنوان بروتوكول الإنترنت:554/H264 / CH1 / الرئيسية / av_stream
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”