Berichten Getagged: vuescan

0Canon CanoScan LIDE ScannerGetting old scanners working with Windows 10 64bit

Many years back I wrote an art­icle about how to get old scan­ners work­ing with Win­dows 7 x64. I recently upgraded the PC con­nec­ted to the scan­ners to Win­dows 10 and was faced with the same chal­lenge all over again. Amaz­ingly the same tricks worked and both scan­ners are now work­ing! Below I detail pre­cisely how to achieve this.
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72Canon CanoScan LIDE ScannerGet your old scanner working with Windows 7 x64

In recent months I’ve encountered sev­er­al prob­lems where people have con­tac­ted me ask­ing for help get­ting their USB scan­ners work­ing on new PCsIn each case the new PCs have come with Win­dows 7 x64, and the scan­ners have been USB devices pro­duced by Can­on and Nikon. Both of these ima­ging spe­cial­ists have ser­i­ously dropped the ball on sup­port­ing products, includ­ing some quite expens­ive premi­um kit from not all that long ago.
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