什么是 DIY 媒体主页?
DIY 媒体之家是几个人之间的合作, 与主要侧重于家庭影院, 高保真和家庭娱乐技术。它是从“乔恩指南”和“[intlink id=“910” type=“page”]蓝牙指南[/intlink]” 最初于 2002 年推出。来自这些网站的文章和信息, 与其他各种关于技术的思考一起被集中在一个保护伞下,新的焦点集中在家庭媒体上。虽然该网站的主要焦点是家庭媒体, 也有覆盖移动技术, 一般电脑支持, 与网络技术相关的文章, 当然, 原版 [intlink id=“910” type=“page”]蓝牙指南[/intlink].
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The site was designed and created by Jon Scaife. As the site expands it is likely that there will be opportunity for other authors to contribute. If you are interested in contributing or guest publishing please get in touch (见下文)
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”