Mensagens categorizados: Software Diversos

0Logo Diretiva de GrupoADM personalizado para Windows Server 2003 / Domínio XP

Eu estava cavando através de um velho backup CD hoje e me deparei com um arquivo ADM personalizado que criei quando administrava um Windows Server 2003 / Domínio Windows XP. Usar, copie o seguinte código no bloco de notas, salve o arquivo com uma extensão .adm na pasta system32 de um servidor de domínio. Abra o editor de política de grupo e adicione o arquivo, em seguida, navegue até "Configurações dos técnicos" para habilitar qualquer uma das configurações.
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0Atualização da RAM da CPU do hardware do PCManeiras simples para tornar seu PC mais rápido

Há muitas dicas e conselhos lá fora, na internet sobre como ajustar o desempenho do seu PC. Alguns deles têm algumas dicas úteis, mas a grande maioria são de muito pouca utilidade, ou porque são para o sistema operacional errado, ou eles não se aplicam a sua configuração, ou porque eles são simplesmente errado. Quando alguém traz um PC para mim e diz que a sua muito lento, antes que eu aconselhá-los para atualizá-lo (e que é sempre uma opção) Eu dou uma olhada rápida em várias coisas que são a principal causa do desempenho lento do PC. Sobre 90% do tempo de realização das diversas etapas detalhadas abaixo resulta em uma melhoria substancial e um usuário de PC feliz.
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0Quizdom LogoQuizdom tablet “video capture” not working

I was asked to invest­ig­ate why some video cap­ture util­ity which is part of the soft­ware pack­age for the Quiz­dom Tab­let was­n’t load­ing cor­rectly on a par­tic­u­lar laptop. Invest­ig­a­tion revealed that quiz­dom used the XviD codec and installs it as part of its setup routine. The laptop in ques­tion already had a video codec installed that was cap­able of decod­ing XviD videos, and this pri­or codec had a high­er mer­it than the XviD nat­ive codec installed by quiz­dom. Dis­abling XviD sup­port in this codec proved to be the solu­tion. Any­one with the stan­dalone MPC-HC codecs or ffd­show installed may come across this problem

0GATSO Speed Camera LogoTomTom alertas Speedcam - inc zona euro

Like many people I use a TomTom sat nav, and I’m a big fan of the speed cam­era data­base provided by Pock­et­G­PSWorld. It is also pos­sible to down­load some nice alerts from PGPSW, but I find the beeps are rather annoy­ing, and the max­im­um speed sup­por­ted is 70, which is fine for the Reino Unido, but isn’t very help­ful for maps of Europe. As a res­ult I have mashed togeth­er an altern­at­ive set that I think are much nicer. Get them from the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]de downloads[/intlink] page. They work for both Reino Unido and Euro maps. The Euro ones go up to 130. Both sets have a nicer voice (female) and a nicer alert beep. By all means try them out. They install and oper­ate exactly the same as the ones offered by PGPSW, if you need help installing them have a look there.

0Juice Podcaster LogoProblem with Juice — solved

For a while I’ve used the pod­cast man­ager Juice. I’ve been very happy for a while, but the oth­er day it sud­denly stopped run­ning for no obvi­ous reas­on. Unin­stalling and rein­stalling did­n’t resolve the issue, but after some dig­ging I dis­covered the unin­stall­a­tion pro­cess was­n’t delet­ing the set­tings file. On Win­dows XP this is loc­ated in C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data and is a folder called iPod­der (not Juice!). Delet­ing this folder and then rein­stalling Juice restored it to its former glory.

0Logo Flash FLVJogando baixado FLV do

I recently had a prob­lem with 2 PCs which appeared to be con­figured identic­ally, but whilst one would play a FLV down­loaded from you­tube, the oth­er would fail. Some oth­er FLVs played OK on both sys­tems. After much fur­ther invest­ig­a­tion I dis­covered that the act­iveX ver­sion of flash play­er on 1 of the PC’s was up-to-date, but on the oth­er was not.
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