在很长一段时间,我一直在寻找理想 HTPC 远程控制。我想一个相当标准的远程, 但对后面一个QWERTY键板, 或者倒装内/滑出一部分。我一直在跟踪选项 [intlink id=“46” type=“post”]从一月至2010的文章[/intlink], 并最终下令自己一个Boxee的远程几个月前。 Boxee的是一种优秀的无线键盘, 但遗憾的是, Boxee的都选择走“苹果路线” (又名简单化) 在非QWERTY侧。共有都是 7 按钮, non of which is a power button. There is also no “back up” type button. This makes the boxee pretty useless for Media Center 7.I decided that if I was going to get yet another remote, I wanted it to offer additional features, as well as addressing the problems with the boxee. The 2 most useful options are to be programmable (即. universal) and to feature an RF communiation to the PC, so it can be tucked away out of sight. The remote I was most interested in is the Philips Home Control Dual / uWand, but I can’t find anywhere to buy that in the 联合王国. I’ve seen some positive reviews of the 摩托罗拉 NYXBoard and located a retailer that ships to the 联合王国. £40 isn’t cheap for a remote control, but the nyxBoard does offer both RF and universality, as well as clearly having the required buttons. I’ve ordered one, and am optimistic it will do the job. Its just a shame its a bit chunky, one of the nice things about the boxee remote is how slim and slick looking it is.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”