0按名称影城标志图像复活: 协同ImagesByName项目

随着 TheHTPC.net的可悲的损失 也似乎不再是一个家的合作ImagesByName项目 (知道的CiP的或IBN在变量项次).  虽然发展这些似乎已经停止了一段时间回来, 资源本身是仍然很高,而且会非常怀念。正如我仍然有下载的副本可用, 而找不到他们其他地方的净, 我决定在这里举办他们让其他人可以继续享受投资创造他们以前的辛勤工作.

更新资料: TheHTPC.net is back. Hav­ing cre­ated mir­rors we’ll leave them intact, but recom­mend you head to theHTPC.net for the latest versions

I don’t know if there are new­er ways of provid­ing the same func­tion­al­ity — e.g. via a plu­gin which down­loads images in real­time, but hav­ing such a large loc­ally cached resource already avail­able is well worth­while. If it proves pop­u­lar we’ll look to find a way to rein­state devel­op­ment. In the mean­time I have recom­pressed all of the PNGs with PNG­Gaunt­let, and have rezipped the archives into 7zip archives with ultra com­pres­sion to save a bit of space.

You can find links on[int­link id=“741” type=“page”]下载页面[/intlink] to most (but not all) of the resources that used to be on TheHTPC.net as detailed below

  • People Wave 1
  • 3D箱设置COV-ERS 2.0
  • 原创工作室基础映像 (15-2010年01月)
  • Rominator工作室标志 3.0
  • 芯片斯图-DIO徽标 1.0
  • Techols电影 & 电视 鼠 - 英格斯 3.0

If you have any oth­er col­lec­tions please get in touch with links, or ideally, to pass them on so I can host them with the ones above. If you are a cre­at­or / co-cre­at­or of any of the col­lec­tions and have any issues with me provid­ing a link please get in touch — it is not my inten­tion to tread on any­one’s toes.
