I’ve recently been working on an update/overhaul of both my various websites and the server backend. As part of this process I’ve been trying ot make sure everything is using the latest standards to maximise performance and compatability. One of the best features of recent versions of wordpress is the native support for responsive images — where the imgset=”” attribut eis used to supply alternative sizes of images in a group so the browser can use the most appropriate. In combination with async loading and lazy loading this can make pages load far faster whilst still looking good to all visitors. However css has not adopted these newer features so background images are much trickier to deal with. It can be done though…
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文章标签: pagespeed
0一些新文章, 很多新的设计作品
在过去的2-3个月我一直忙于编写的网站很多新的内容。这没有得益于在东西写的下降有关 - 我的大部分文章都是关于技术修复或令人兴奋的新 HTPC 相关进展。目前还没有太多的新发展, 我没有修复太多技术,因为我太忙了。这并不意味着该网站已被完全忽略,但是……
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”