我最近公布abiout我寻找一个新的存储服务器情况. 我的下一个搜索涉及寻找一个合适的 电源供应器! 这似乎在最近几年它已得到更难找到我喜欢使用的硬件类型, 可能是因为时尚一直走小巧时尚的外观,其通常更可能在这个时代更好的性能,每瓦设备. 然而, 如果你有空间,需要系统要冷静, 安静, 高效的再大还是要走的路.
My current server has the excellent Corsair HX520 电源供应器 我不得不周边 10 岁月. This modular 电源供应器 拥有 5 AUX connectors which can take SATA 或莫仕电缆. 我得到了额外的 SATA 电缆和有 1 Molex公司电缆 4 SATA 电缆,让我这两个机箱风扇供电 (莫莱克斯) 和最多 16 硬盘 (4 x 4 SATA 电缆). I currently have 12 SATA 驱动器,备用容量有点供电.
I would be very happy with another HX520 power supply for my new server but of course being a 10 year old design it is no longer available, and I haven’t been able to find one second hand so I have been searching for something equivalent. The problem is that modern designs seem obsessed with providing silly numbers of GPU 电力电缆 (silly given that a significant majority of people use either 0 或者 1 图形处理器, 只有极少数确实使用 2, 更不用说 3!) 但其中许多人只有 3 AUX connectors with even the reasonably high power models only offering 4.
It is possible to get models with 5 or more AUX sockets but these are typically £200 or more for 1000W or more. My current server pulls 125W at the socket so this sort of 电源供应器 would be complete overkill and would also be operating at only 10% capacity which is far below the optimum efficiency. 一个400W 电源供应器 would be far more suitable (to give headroom for the systme under full load and for the drive spin up power draw at boot up).
One final frustration is that even if I am able to find a much older model second hand it is likely to be significantly less efficient that a modern design. With the server running 24.7 efficiency does make a difference. Is it too much to ask to find a modern equivalent of the HX520 with an 80 再加上金 (or better) rating for price of around £60?
Bare in mind there is a lot of misinformation about the amount of power required for systems with multiple HDDs. 有一个 good thread on SuperUser where some typical figures are given and a similar discussion on Tom’s Hardware forums where a typical example is given…
- WD Caviar Black (WD2001FASS)
- Startup Current +12V: 1.16 安培
- Startup Current +5V: 0.60 安培
- Startup Power (总): 16.92w ^
- 读/写: 10.70 瓦
- 闲: 8.20 瓦
- 支持: 1.30 瓦
- 睡觉: 1.30 瓦
The total spin up power at 17W is fairly typical. A WD Red 3Tb uses 15W.
同 16 of these drives there would be a maximum draw of 48W from the 5v line and 223W from the 12V line (271W的总). 即使是125W允许的 CPU under full load and another 100W for the rest of the system, the total maximum power draw is still only 471W. And let’s remember that the cpu and system will not be drawing maximum power at bootup time when the drives are at maximum. 要检查的最后一件事是, 电源供应器 can supply enough power on the 5V line and 12v line as these each have a maximum rating. Even my old Corsair HX520 can provide 24A at 5V which is a total of 120W (Basic secondary school physics lessons will tell you that Power = Current x Voltage) which is 2.5x the demand of this hypotetical 16-drive system.
In fact the area I would have to be careful of (if I didn’t have staggered spin up) 是我的老HX520具有 3 12V lines which each have a maximum supply of 18A which means 216W. 只 1 这些用于驱动电源,所以如果我试图旋转起来 16 HDDs simultaneously I would be slightly over my power budget. 当然,我也有交错启动,我只有 10 spinning-rust based drives so I am well within the limits. The lesson is clear though — in any build the limiting factor is more likely to be the maximum power provided per 12v line and not the total power the 电源供应器 额定. Once we know this it becomes apparent that there really is no need for a kilowatt 电源供应器 for this sort of system, but having staggered spin up is immensely valuable and even with that, it is worth paying attention to the maximum rating of each 12v line, and the maximum rating for the 5v supply. Most modern 事业单位 now use a single 12v line which can supply 50A+ which solves this problem.
It is worth noting that using “green” drives that like to go to sleep could cause issues if they all try to spin up at once. 如果他们不这样做,那么你将获得一个长期效应初探延迟时有史以来醒来! I recommend using NAS grade (or better) HDDs for a storage system of this kind. Some good information and graphs about start-up power are available at 45Drives.com
My current server has 12 硬盘, 1 RAID卡, 和 2 电视卡. It typically draws about 125W at the socket, with all the drives spinning and the 电视 streaming. No doubt if I hammer the server it will go higher, but for a glorified NAS a kilowatt power supply is utterly overkill. 看事情的关键是,如果你没有交错启动启用做的功率损耗 (which you can probably only enable with a RAID 卡). 我有交错启动, 和 2 我的 12 驱动器不具有自旋向上的SSD问题. Assuming the new server also draws around 125W then a 500W 电源供应器 会在 25% 负载, 而一个1000W 电源供应器 会在 12.5% 负载. Given an equal 80 plus rating the 500W 电源供应器 is almost certain to be more efficient at this load, as well as being a reasonable price to start with.
我有一个很好看的主要品牌 电源供应器 manufacturers (Corsair, Seasonic, EVGA, 安泰克, FSP, Bequiet, Silverstone, Thermaltake, CoolerMaster, XFX, 分形设计, Enermax) 并提出以下列表中的最接近我能找到. Most manufacturers don’t offer anything at all below 650W with 5 or more aux connectors. I’ve included a 750W Corsair as I’ve seen it on offer at a similar price to 650W models frequently.
Possible new models
- Corsair RM750 (750w ^; £75; 80+ 金)
- EVGA SuperNOVA 650 G + (650w ^; £85; 80+ 金)
- EVGA 650 BQ (650w ^; £74; 80+ 青铜)
到目前为止, 电源供应器’s I am aware of to search for second hand are…
- Corsair HX520
- Corsair HX620
- Corsair HX550
- Corsair HX650
- Seasonic 660XP2
- Seasonic 650KM3
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”