کی طرف سے مراسلات: جان Scaife

0MCEBuddy لوگوMCEBuddy Reloaded Beta 16

MCE-بڈی 2 بیٹا 16 رہا کردیاگیا. بیٹا 14. چونکہ یہ ایک حتمی رہائی کے قریب پہنچ رہا ہے کی طرح مجھ پر لگتا متعدد bugfixes کے ہو چکے ہیں. اسے آزمائیں.

0MCEBuddy لوگوMCEBuddy — v2 Beta 14

MCE-بڈی 2 بیٹا 14 has been released. It’s the first release in a long time that is a com­plete pro­gram. It also includes offi­cial x64 sup­port. There are still some major issues remain­ing, but with­in those lim­its it should be an excel­lent solu­tion for con­vert­ing wtv files and strip­ping adverts from them.

0Dell 3130CN LogoExcellent utility to fix Epson printers

I had a prob­lem with an old Epson Stylus Photo R200 print­er. Des­pite being loaded with paper and fresh genu­ine ink cart­ridges, the unit refused to print. The 2 red warn­ing lights on top were flash­ing altern­ately. After con­sid­er­able googling I dis­covered that this error code is related to the ink cart­ridge clean­ing well. Appar­ently it gets full of ink after a cer­tain num­ber of head clean­ing cycles. As usu­al with cheap inkjet print­ers, the warn­ing is based on a counter, not on the actu­al full­ness of the clean­ing well, and the error can be bypassed by reset­ting the counter in the print­er. The good news is there is a util­ity which will do just that. Although it does­n’t list sup­port, I can con­firm that the util­ity does work fine on Win­dows 7 x64 کے, so I believe it should work on every ver­sion of win­dows since Win­dows 95!

0Antec فیوژن ریموٹ HTPC کیس علامتHTPC GPU کا موازنہ

Anandtech has an excel­lent art­icle com­par­ing 4 bot­tom end GPU’s for HTPCکےThe art­icle is extens­ive and does a good job of explain­ing issues of fram­er­ate tim­ing, cadence detec­tion, tele­cin­ing and pull­down as well as com­par­ing the 4 GPU’s. As we don’t believe in rein­vent­ing the wheel — we recom­mend any­one build­ing a HTPC setup read the art­icle before set­ting out.

0AMD ویژن فیوژن پریمیم علامتFusion E‑450 coming

نیم AC-CUR-کھایا has news that AMD are to immin­ently release a new Zacate mem­ber of the Brazos plat­form. Accord­ing to pre­vi­ous inform­a­tion on Anandtech اور Hex­us the E‑450 is clocked at 1.65GHz (up from 1.60GHz) and has graph­ics clocked at 600MHz (up from 500MHz).  It will also reportedly sup­port high­er speeds of DDR3 memory, and fea­ture some kind of turbo.

0FFmpeg Logoffdshow DXVA fixed

DXVA in ffd­show, which was [int­link id=“937” type=“post”]broken for the last few builds[/intlink], appears to have been fixed, at least in the 3878 x64 build from 11ویں جون.

0PSU لوگوPSU مستعدی 4 - جدید گیمنگ پی سی

This art­icle on PSU effi­ciency for a mod­ern sandy bridge gam­ing PC fol­lows on from 3 pre­vi­ous art­icles, کے بارے میں PSU effi­ciency for a medi­um power serv­er, a medi­um use very high power gam­ing PC اور ایک low power serv­er or HTPC.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0PSU لوگوPSU مستعدی: اپ گریڈ کے قابل? part 3

This is the third install­ment in a series of art­icles address­ing PSU effi­ciency. Art­icle one focused on a [int­link id=“76” type=“post”]نظریاتی نئے سرور[/intlink], فن icle 2 ایک پر [int­link id=“77” type=“post”]عام ڈیسک ٹاپ پی سی[/intlink].  This art­icle will focus on a cur­rent real serv­er, and intro­duces a new PSU — an 80+ plat­in­um model.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

17مینی ITX ویا 2 لوگوDual-Tuner Mini-ITX Build?

After dis­cus­sions on a [int­link id=“919” type=“post”]recent article[/intlink] I wondered if it is pos­sible to build a set-top box sized HTPC with dual-tuner cards inside. To achieve set-top box size means going Mini-ITX, but with the release of a range of Mini ITX AMD Fusion boards this is the easy part. Mini-ITX nor­mally only includes 1 expan­sion slot, so to include 2 tuners requires a cre­at­ive solution.
... مکمل مضمون پڑھیں

0ورڈپریس علامتفکسڈ: Comments area disappearing in Mystique theme

I recently had a prob­lem where the entire com­ments area was miss­ing from all the posts on this blog. When I switched back to the default twentyten theme they reappeared and at first I thought it was a prob­lem with the mys­tique theme. I switched back to mys­tique and dis­abled all of my plu­gins and the com­ments came backA simple pro­cess of elim­in­a­tion iden­ti­fied the cul­prit — The WP یہ Pager Plu­gin. This plu­gin isn’t really neces­sary with the mys­tique theme, so I have simply removed it. If you encounter the same prob­lem with mys­tique, check you haven’t got this plu­gin enabled.