2MCEBuddy لوگوMCEBuddy دوبارہ: H264 WTV تبادلوں

I have wanted the facil­ity to con­vert my recor­ded WTV files to anoth­er format for as long as I’ve had a MediaPC. The lead can­did­ate has always been MCE­Buddy, لیکن زیادہ کے لئے 2 years the pro­ject was stalled (as far as the user was con­cerned at least) by prob­lems sup­port­ing h264 video inside wtv files.MCE-بڈی 2 Reloaded (بیٹا 13) was finally released at the start of 2011, and whilst very much still a beta, it now sup­ports the necesary formats and comes with a basic GUIIt cur­rently needs some fid­dling to make it work with Win­dows 7 x64 کے (see below) but worked great for me with an epis­ode of Life recor­ded from BBC HD.

مطلب وقت میں, this is at least 90% of the way to the com­plete solu­tion, and the more test­ers that can help the developer the soon­er we will get an end product (and the bet­ter it will be).  Happy testing…

Fix­ing x64 problems…

Cred­it to a post by scanti on the MCE­Buddy for­ums which I have sim­pli­fied below…

  1. ڈاؤن لوڈ کریں corflags.zip (part of the Microsoft .NET Frame­work ایس ڈی کے) and extract the exe to the MCE­Buddy folder
  2. Open an elev­ated com­mand prompt
  3. Switch dir­ect­ory to the MCE Folder
  4. Run cor­flags MCEBuddy.BetaUI.exe /32bit+
  5. Using the MCE­Buddy GUI should now work fine

جواب چھوڑیں

2 تبصرے


It sup­ports many many formats H.264, WTV, TS, MPEG1/2, DVRMS, AVI, MKV etc
It has mul­tiple lan­guages, subitles, email noti­fic­a­tions, schedul­ing, mul­tiple con­ver­sions, fil­ters, cus­tom rename, qual­ity set­tings and the list goes on

جواب دیں

MCE-بڈی 2.2.7 is out, no fixes required. It sup­ports both 64 bit and 32 bit edi­tions. Way coool­er and many new fea­tures. Pretty sol­id release.

جواب دیں