Posts By: جان Scaife

0ونڈوز 7 Autologon

ونڈوز کے لیے autologon فعال کرنے کے لئے ایک بہت فوری ٹپ 7. پریس ونڈوز کی کلید اور R رن مینو کو کھولنے کے لئے (اسٹارٹ مینو کے نیچے دیئے گئے تلاش / چلانے بار استعمال نہیں کرتے) اور قسم کنٹرول userpasswords2 اور پریس درج کریں. Untick "Users must enter a user name and pass­word to use this computer”

کرنے کے لئے کریڈٹ سارہ کے پیریز

0ultrabook تو لوگو لیپ ٹاپ VAIO سونیGetting inside an Asus A2xxx

میں نے حال ہی کے ساتھ ایک مسئلہ کی چھان بین کرنے کے لئے ایک پرانے ISH پر Asus A2500 لیپ ٹاپ کے اندر حاصل کرنے کے لئے تھا سی ڈی-ROM drive (اور میموری اپ گریڈ اور ایک وائرلیس کارڈ شامل کرنے کے لئے). Most laptops have a cov­er above the key­board that pops off, but on this par­tic­u­lar laptop it did­n’t seem attached in the usu­al way.
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0ونڈوز میڈیا پلیئر لوگوOutputting WMP Videos to second display

When using a PC with a second dis­play (for example a laptop with a data pro­ject­or) it is often a com­mon prob­lem to find that a video played with Win­dows Media Play­er will only dis­play on the primary dis­play, and not on the sec­ond­ary output.

There are vari­ous dif­fer­ent con­fig­ur­a­tions which con­trib­ute to this beha­viour — Win­dows set­tings, Win­dows Media Play­er set­tings and Graph­ics Card driver settings.
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0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoMicrosoft Security Essentials final

Microsoft have updated their free secur­ity essen­tials pack­age again. The soft­pe­dia link from my [int­link id=“20” type=“post”]original post[/intlink] now offers ver­sion 1.0.1611.00 to download.

-اپ ڈیٹ-

This appears to be the final release and is now avail­able dir­ect from Microsoft

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoMicrosoft AntiVirus updated

Microsoft have now updated their free anti-vir­us to ver­sion 1.0.1500 which is avail­able from win­dows update if you have the pre­vi­ous ver­sion installed (دیکھنے کے [int­link id=“10” type=“post”]my pre­vi­ous post[/intlink]). If you want to install 1.0.1500 without installing the old ver­sion first it can be down­loaded from مائیکروسافٹ. If you’re in a coun­try where its unavail­able then you can down­load it from Soft­Pe­dia

0ultrabook تو لوگو لیپ ٹاپ VAIO سونیRepair HP Laptops and other hardware cheaply

I was recently asked to look at the touch­pad on a HP Pavil­ion DV2000 laptop which had a faulty left but­ton. Spares and repairs for laptops are often hard to come by so I was pleased to find the HP Ser­vice manu­al as a پی ڈی ایف, which included all the part num­bers, and then very pleased to find that HP offer an extens­ive dir­ect sales ser­vice for most parts via the HP PartSurfer. Suf­fice to say this laptop is now fixed, for a very low price. Good move by HP — I won­der if oth­er major man­u­fac­tur­ers provide a sim­il­ar service?

0Google Earth Logoگوگل ارتھ: How to fix poor quality overlays

I’ve recently had some prob­lems with dis­play­ing large over­lays (gen­er­ated from NASA SRTM کے اعداد و شمار) میں گوگل ارتھ. Although the over­lay data I expor­ted was very detailed google earth was dis­play­ing a blurry mess which was imprac­tic­al for my inten­ded pur­pose. Search­ing around on the ‘net did­n’t reveal any­thing use­ful so as a last resort I tried switch­ing from “Dir­ect X” to “Open GL” mode (under tools: اختیارات).
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0NoScript logoImprove your browsing security without crippling lots of sites

I always recom­mend that people install an altern­at­ive browser to Inter­net Explorer. Per­son­ally I prefer فائر فاکس to the oth­er altern­at­ives (کروم, اوپیرا, سفاری) as I find the huge num­ber of addons on offer give it an unas­sail­able advant­age. I’ve recently exper­i­mented with the NoScript اضافت, which enhances secur­ity by block­ing act­ive objects and scripts unless expli­citly approved. How­ever I found that I was forever hav­ing to grant per­mis­sion to every site I vis­ited for it to work correctly.
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2Haali Matroska logoانسٹال Haali میڈیا Splitter کا x64 کے

ایک بیٹا نہیں ہے (یا ہو سکتا ہے اس کے الفا) باہر اور کے بارے Haali میڈیا Splitter کے x64 کے لئے انسٹالر (انسٹالر کے لنکس کے لئے پر میری گزشتہ پوسٹ دیکھیں [int­link id=“14” type=“post”]ونڈوز 7 X64 codecs کے[/intlink]). افسوس کی بات ہے انسٹال توڑ کیا جا رہا ہے, which can cause hav­oc when try­ing to dia­gnose codec issues. Haali دور کرنے کے لئے مکمل طور پر آپ کو دستی طور پر استعمال کر رہے ہیں مندرجہ ذیل فائلیں unregister کا کرنے کی ضرورت ہے regsvr32 /u filename (ایک کمانڈ پرامپٹ سے کے طور پر چلانے administrator)
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