0NoScript logoImprove your browsing security without crippling lots of sites

I always recom­mend that people install an altern­at­ive browser to Inter­net Explorer. Per­son­ally I prefer فائر فاکس to the oth­er altern­at­ives (کروم, اوپیرا, سفاری) as I find the huge num­ber of addons on offer give it an unas­sail­able advant­age. I’ve recently exper­i­mented with the NoScript اضافت, which enhances secur­ity by block­ing act­ive objects and scripts unless expli­citly approved. How­ever I found that I was forever hav­ing to grant per­mis­sion to every site I vis­ited for it to work correctly.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

2Haali Matroska logoانسٹال Haali میڈیا Splitter کا x64 کے

ایک بیٹا نہیں ہے (یا ہو سکتا ہے اس کے الفا) باہر اور کے بارے Haali میڈیا Splitter کے x64 کے لئے انسٹالر (انسٹالر کے لنکس کے لئے پر میری گزشتہ پوسٹ دیکھیں [int­link id=“14” type=“post”]ونڈوز 7 X64 codecs کے[/intlink]). افسوس کی بات ہے انسٹال توڑ کیا جا رہا ہے, which can cause hav­oc when try­ing to dia­gnose codec issues. Haali دور کرنے کے لئے مکمل طور پر آپ کو دستی طور پر استعمال کر رہے ہیں مندرجہ ذیل فائلیں unregister کا کرنے کی ضرورت ہے regsvr32 /u filename (ایک کمانڈ پرامپٹ سے کے طور پر چلانے administrator)
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

5FFmpeg LogoMedia Codecs and Utilities for Windows 7 x64

یہاں ونڈوز کے ساتھ ہم آہنگ ہیں کہ مفید X64 codecs کے اور متعلقہ افادیت کے لنکس کی ایک فوری فہرست ہے 7 x64 کے (64-بٹ) edition…
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0Serial Key LogoReplacing an invalid Win XP key with a genuine key

If you’ve ever been asked to fix a PC and have sub­sequently dis­covered it has a non-genu­ine or inap­pro­pri­ate Win­dows XP key installed, and you wish to update the key with a legit­im­ate key, for example when a second hand laptop has been installed with a cor­por­ate key and needs updat­ing with the OEM key from the stick­er still attached to it, you may have run into prob­lems switch­ing between OEM, Volume and Retail ver­sions of windows.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0Freesat HD علامتExtra Freesat channels

Update: ITV-HD has changed. See this [int­link id=“92” type=“post”]newer article[/intlink]

It seems that Win­dows Media Cen­ter 7 does­n’t find all the chan­nels that are FTA on the main برطانیہ Satel­lite group, the Astra 2D group at 28.2º East. I ima­gine many Freesat boxes wont either. Here are the fre­quen­cies for a few fully Free-To-Air Eng­lish lan­guage chan­nels avail­able on this satel­lite cluster…
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0Microsoft Security Essentials LogoFree Anti-Virus from Microsoft

Microsoft have released (a few weeks ago) a free Beta of their new Anti-Vir­us / Secur­ity product مائیکروسافٹ کی سلامتی لوازم. Unfor­tu­nately as a برطانیہ res­id­ent when I vis­it the offi­cial Microsoft page I am told “This beta is avail­able only to cus­tom­ers in the United States, Israel, China and Brazil”. A quick google search quickly turns up a down­load link on Soft­Pe­dia which works. There are down­loads of x86 and x64 ver­sions of Secur­ity Essen­tials for Win­dows XP, Vista and 7

0AMD Radeon Graphics LogoATI سے نصب ہو موبلٹی RADEON ڈرائیوروں

Update: Cata­lyst Mobil­ity drivers are now avail­able for many cards from ATi. (as of Cata­lyst ver­sion 10.3)

It seems to be very dif­fi­cult to obtain reas­on­ably up-to-date drivers for the ATi graph­ics chips in many laptops. This is because the OEMs have asked ATi not to provide gen­er­ic drivers dir­ect to the end user, ostens­ibly to reduce sup­port requests from users with drivers not tested by the OEMکے. This seems per­fectly reas­on­able, but the sad fact is most OEM’s only update the drivers for a new laptop mod­el a few times and soon aban­don it as they con­cen­trate on the next gen­er­a­tion release. For those people try­ing to update their drivers to address a prob­lem or to gain access to new fea­tures there are no clear options. For­tu­nately there are ways around this problem.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0PC Hardware CPU RAM Upgradeبہت زیادہ TIM استعمال نہ کریں!

A quick note of warn­ing about apply­ing Thermal Grease / Heat­sink Com­pound to سی پی یوکے. Don’t use loads! Not only will it not work very effect­ively, if you really go over­board it can leak over the sides of the cpu and get under­neath as it has in the image. اس سی پی یو (A pen­ti­um 4) was giv­en to me as “I think its broken”.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0PC Hardware CPU RAM Upgradeپرانا K7S6A motherboard کے Mod کی

ٹھیک ہے, so this tip wont prove use­ful to many people, but as the ori­gin­al site seems to have dis­ap­peared I’m post­ing it to keep it alive.

If you have an Élite Group (ایسیایس) K7S6A mother­board for AMD Sock­et A and you want to upgrade to a “Thor­ough­bred” Ath­lon XP Pro­cessor it is pos­sible by remov­ing a single small com­pon­ent from the motherboard.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں