Posts Tagged: momentus xt

2کوائف نامہ کے لوگو کے اندرSeagate کی Momentus XT کے ساتھ مسائل کو درست کریں

I’ve had prob­lems with the new Seag­ate Momentus XT hard­drive in my new­est HTPCThe PC was lock­ing up every 48 hours or so (which may have been related to standby), was occa­sion­ally jerky, and upon reboot would often refuse to boot with an error about a miss­ing boot device, which could only be fixed with a hard power cycle. There is a firm­ware update for the drive to SD25 but this did­n’t resolve the issue. How­ever, after I changed the power man­age­ment set­tings in Win­dows 7 to nev­er spin-down the hard­drive, the prob­lems all went away. Success!

Update (14-Sept-2011).  Seag­ate has released firm­ware SD28There are reports that this fixes sev­er­al issues and is a worth­while update.