Posts Tagged: tler

0کوائف نامہ کے لوگو کے اندرذخیرہ کرنے کے لیے WD ریڈ

Accord­ing to an art­icle on Anandtech, WD have released a new range of HDDs optim­ised for NAS boxes (and pre­sum­ably good for use with hard­ware RAID cards too).  This have been optim­ised for stream­ing, are close in per­form­ance to the black series, and also quite eco­nom­ic­al on power.

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1کوائف نامہ کے لوگو کے اندرہارڈ ویئر RAID اور صارفین کوائف نامہ مسائل

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to have the oppor­tun­ity to pur­chase a second hand hard­ware raid 5 کارڈ (an Areca 1220) for a very low price. Since then I have used the card along with sev­er­al sets of drives (ori­gin­ally 300gig, then 750gig and cur­rently 1Tb) in a ded­ic­ated serv­er PC as a large net­work file-store for the fam­ily’s music, pho­tos, videos and back-ups.
... مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں