8警告: 見つかりませんTheHTPC.net - 数のためのダウン? しない

Sad news — for the last few days TheHTPC.net has been show­ing a Serv­er 500 エラー。今所有者 (別のジョン) サイトが壊れていると、彼はそれを修正する時間を見つけることができない場合がありというメッセージを入れています。私は一人のために非常に近い将来に戻ってTheHTPC.netを見ることを望んで。それがでないことがあるならば、私たちはそこに以前に使用可能だった優秀なリソースの一部のミラーを調達し、提供することができるよう願っています。 RIP.

Update 20-Jan

TheHTPC.net is back online. Outstanding!

アップデート 2

Unfor­tu­nately theHT­PC is back off­line, seem­ingly with no hope of a revival.

アップデート 3

Thanks to Jon below for the com­ment. Its back again after allGreat news.

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SBStanislav Berghici

I was not able to sub­mit my applic­a­tion. I got some kind of “CAPTCHA” error


What applic­a­tion? Do you mean com­ment? Until you veri­fy your e‑mail address you are likely to get a captcha to solve before you can post a com­ment. answer it cor­rectly and your com­ment will be sub­mit­ted (as the one I’m reply­ing to was)


Hi Stan­islav, I believe I have fixed the issue. My form sub­mis­sion plu­gin changed while the site was down and rendered my old set­tings incom­pat­ible. Without your com­ment, I prob­ably would nev­er have found it 🙂


I had giv­en up and thought it was all lost, but I did man­age to sal­vage an auto­mated db backup I had sent to my email peri­od­ic­ally. There is noth­ing new there for a year, but there really was­n’t at the time it went down either.

任意のウェイ, is back 🙂


同意して. There had­n’t been much new stuff there in the last couple of months, but some of the archived con­tent was still really use­ful, and the loss of com­munity is a big loss, it’s hard to build a com­munity like that. I hope he man­ages to restore it
