Posts Tagged: فائر فاکس

2موزیلا فائر فاکس کا لوگوفائر فاکس 4 fixes MSN Messenger bug

I was so pleased upon upgrad­ing to Fire­fox 4 to no longer have Win­dows Live Mes­sen­ger crash­ing the browser every time I opened Hot­mail and had an act­ive con­ver­sa­tion win­dow. I don’t know if it was Microsoft or Fire­fox at fault but the prob­lem seems to have gone away now.

I’m less pleased, کس طرح کبھی, that two of my plug-ins for the pre­vi­ous ver­sion aren’t yet sup­por­ted. Then again, one of those is old and sel­dom used and the oth­er (IE Tab) should fol­low in time.

1Mozilla Minefield x64The case for x64 browsers?

I’ve recently been using Fire­fox 4 64bit pre­b­eta, also known as Mine­field. I thought it would be inter­est­ing to com­pare vari­ous browsers to see if this sup­ports my feel­ing that Mine­field is the fast­est browser I’ve used. The con­clu­sions are quite inter­est­ing. I will con­tin­ue to update this table as new ver­sions are released
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0فلیش بھی FLV علامتڈاؤن لوڈ FLV کی چل رہا ہے

میں نے حال ہی ساتھ ایک prob-یلئیم تھا 2 پی سی جو شناختی تشکیل کیا جا کرنے کے لئے شائع, لیکن ایک ادا کریں گے کی حالت میں FLV یو ٹیوب سے ڈاؤن لوڈ, the oth­er would fail. Some oth­er FLVs played OK on both sys­tems. After much fur­ther invest­ig­a­tion I dis­covered that the act­iveX ver­sion of flash play­er on 1 پی سی کی تھی، اپ ٹو تاریخ سے, but on the oth­er was not.
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0NoScript logoImprove your browsing security without crippling lots of sites

I always recom­mend that people install an altern­at­ive browser to Inter­net Explorer. Per­son­ally I prefer فائر فاکس to the oth­er altern­at­ives (کروم, اوپیرا, سفاری) as I find the huge num­ber of addons on offer give it an unas­sail­able advant­age. I’ve recently exper­i­mented with the NoScript اضافت, which enhances secur­ity by block­ing act­ive objects and scripts unless expli­citly approved. How­ever I found that I was forever hav­ing to grant per­mis­sion to every site I vis­ited for it to work correctly.
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