پوسٹس ٹیگ شدہ: HTTP

0میل اسٹون ایکس پرویکٹیکٹ میں پرانا فوسکام FI8918W

I’ve recently been on a tool buy­ing spree and decided I now need a degree of secur­ity for my gar­age. میرا بھی ایک بوڑھا ہے VGA foscam cam­era sat unused in a box and a func­tion­ing CCTV serv­er sys­tem, so I figured I might as well set the foscam up inside the gar­age — not only would it help identi­fy any­one who was in there who should­n’t be, it will also help me know where I left that tool I just can­’t find, and if the neigh­bours cat has got locked in there again
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