4انٹیل 82567LM-3 کے ساتھ نیند اور WOL

میں بوڑھا USFF ڈیل OptiPlex کے ایک جوڑے کی ہے 760 پی سی کہ ہے ایک بلٹ میں انٹیل 82567LM-3 گیگابٹ ایتھرنیٹ کنکشن. دونوں نیند کے ساتھ کام کرنے اس اصلاح ہو رہی (S3 کو معطل کریں رام) اور SAL (LAN پر جاگو) بہت مشکل ثابت ہوا ہے. پی سی اصل میں ونڈوز وسٹا کے ساتھ آیا اور ایک کاروباری طبقے پی سی کے طور پر آپ ان کی امید کروں گا 2 fea­tures to work but it has always been a battle to get them working.

ونڈوز 7

Back in the days of Win­dows 7 I did even­tu­ally get both پی سی work­ing with Sleep and WOL. Doing so required a lot of fid­dling about with drivers and set­tings so I will detail all the set­tings that worked for Win­dows 7 below.

  • ڈیوائس: Intel 82567LM‑3
  • انٹیل ProSet
  • ڈرائیور
  • Driver Pro­vider: انٹیل
  • ڈرائیور تاریخ: 18/07/2013
  • بجلی کی بچت کے اختیارات: تمام 3 unticked
  • LAN کے اختیارات پر جاگو: both ‘Wake on Magic Pack­et’ ticked and ‘Wake on Pat­tern Match’ unticked

This driver can be down­loaded from soft­pe­dia. ڈرائیور فائلوں PRO1000 Winx64 NDIS62 subfolder میں پائے جاتے ہیں

Some sites also sug­gest that Intel ME needs to have the cor­rect set­tings in firm­ware. This is accessed by Press Ctrl‑P at bootup. I checked my set­tings and they are as follows…

  • Intel ME Con­fig­ur­a­tion: State Con­trol: فعال کردہ
  • Intel ME Con­fig­ur­a­tion: Man­age­ab­il­ity Fea­ture Selec­tion: Intel Stand­ard Manageability
  • Intel ME Con­fig­ur­a­tion: Intel ME Power Con­trol: میزبان نیند امریکہ میں انٹیل ME ON: ڈیسک ٹاپ پر
  • Intel Stand­ard Man­age­ab­il­ity Con­fig­ur­a­tion: SOL/IDE‑r: فعال کردہ
  • Intel Stand­ard Man­age­ab­il­ity Con­fig­ur­a­tion: Cur­rent Pro­vi­sion­ing Mode: PKI
  • Intel Stand­ard Man­age­ab­il­ity Con­fig­ur­a­tion: میزبان نام: YOUR-PC-NAME-HERE
  • Intel Stand­ard Man­age­ab­il­ity Con­fig­ur­a­tion: TCP / IP: DHCP فعال کردہ: اور

Once your ME set­tings are cor­rect, نصب اس سے اوپر آپ کو ڈرائیور ہے, and you have your win­dows set­tings cor­rect you should be able to use WOL from sleep when run­ning Win­dows 7.

ونڈوز 10

Unfor­tu­nately the driver used for Win­dows 7 does­n’t want to be com­pat­ible with Win­dows 10 and so far I haven’t found an altern­at­ive that is offi­cially com­pat­ible. پر ایک اچھا دھاگہ ہے Intel for­ums that cov­ers the same issue and the poster there has been pretty thorough.

Like the poster on the Intel for­ums I tried for­cing a dif­fer­ent driver onto Win­dows 10 and suc­ceeded in for­cing a driver for the i218-LM card which does at least work. How­ever this still did­n’t get WOL working.

ڈرائیور ہیکنگ

To see if there is any way to get the Win­dows 7 driver work­ing with Win­dows 10 I set about hack­ing the inf file. I did man­age to hack it and get it to install although annoy­ingly this did mean I had to turn off driver sign­ing tem­por­ar­ily. I have detailed the pro­cess I used below.

Turn off driver sign­ing (دیکھنے کے جیت dows 10 ٹیکنیکس زیادہ طریقوں کے لئے)

  • شروع کریں پر کلک, expand the arrow next to shut­down, شفٹ کے بٹن کو دبا کر رکھیں اور دوبارہ شروع کرنے پر کلک کریں
  • Select troubleshoot­ing
  • اعلی درجے منتخب کریں
  • ربوٹ منتخب
  • At the menu that appears after reboot­ing press the 7 key to dis­able driver signing

فائل e1k62x64.inf ترمیم کریں

  • Delete line 98
  • تبدیل کریں
    %انٹیل انٹیل٪ =, NTamd64.6.1, NTamd64.6.1.1, NTamd64.6.2
    ExcludeFromSelect = \ 

    کرنے کے لئے

    %انٹیل انٹیل٪ =, NTamd64.6.1, NTamd64.6.1.1
    ExcludeFromSelect = \ 

Use device man­ager to do a “have disk” forced driver install­a­tion. Then change the same set­tings as spe­cified for win­dows 7 مندرجہ بالا. This worked to install the driver that matches the one installed on Win­dows 7, but WOL still did­n’t work!

Next I need to check each of the ME set­tings and the Intel driver set­tings against each oth­er 1 by 1 in the hope that the dis­crep­ancy is some­where in the set­tings. I do remem­ber hav­ing an issue with Win­dows 7 where I had to find some obscure set­ting to get it work­ing. I am for­tu­nate to have 2 identic­al پی سی, جیت کے ساتھ ایک 7 اور جیت کے ساتھ ایک 10. I will con­tin­ue to see if I can find a solu­tion and will update this post with any­thing I find.

I also noticed that a small num­ber of set­tings seemed to show on the win 10 machine that wer­en’t present on the win 7 مشین. I need to check my driver hack and also remote any pre­vi­ous Intel ProSet that has been installed to try to clear this. I plan to remove proset via pro­grams and fea­tures, اور بھی ہٹانے اور ڈرائیوروں کو حذف. I will then rein­stall the drivers and then run the proset installer (میں نے ڈرائیور جیت میں نصب کیا گیا تھا کہ کس طرح دیکھنے کے لئے جانچ پڑتال کرے گا 7 — was it driver only or full proset)

جواب چھوڑیں



I just got this work­ing on an HP dc7900 with an 82567LM‑3 adapter on Win 10 Pro 1909.
With the inbox Win­dows 10 ڈرائیور, it would­n’t work and I sus­pect it’s because that driver does­n’t sup­port the PME set­ting. If it does, maybe it isn’t exposed.
I down­loaded the 22_10 Proset from here:
Then, extract it.
Select your NIC and do the Have Disk meth­od. Point it to PRO1000\Winx64\NDIS65.
Select the 82579LM Gig­abit Net­work Con­nec­tion. Con­tin­ue through the prompt about it being poten­tially incompatible.
Make sure your net­work is still work­ing — it works on this sys­tem. Driver is dated 7/25/2016 -
Under Advanced — make sure that Enable PME is con­figured and both Wake on Magic Pack­et and Wake on Pat­tern Match are enabled.
I have also dis­abled Fast Star­tup to make sure that the sys­tem shuts down to S5 instead of Hybrid.
I’m not sure if this is required, but HP said to set the fol­low­ing key:
DWORD — AllowWakeFromS5
Value 1
I hope this helps someone out there.

جواب دیں
JSJon Scaife

آپ کا تبصرہ کے لئے شکریہ, this looks excep­tion­ally use­ful. I have replaced one of my Dell پی سی since I wrote this, but I will be upgrad­ing the oth­er to win­dows 10 dur­ing the Cov­id lock­down and I will be test­ing this on it. ایک بار پھر شکریہ!

جواب دیں

So far i only man­aged to allow WOL from shut­down and hibern­ate in win10 in dell opti­plex 760, پروسیٹ کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے 25 and win­dows driver from microsoft update cata­log but not from sleep S3. My work­around is to enable ME and use AMT to wake the machine from sleep.

جواب دیں

Thanks AMD­Man
I tried your work­around on two Hew­lett-Pack­ard HP Com­paq 8000 élite desktop PC’s and it works fine.
WOL in Windows10 Pro!
Be sure dis­abled Fast Star­tup oth­er­wise it won’t work.

جواب دیں