Posts Tagged: ترتیبات

0Karoo ADSL ترتیبات

Hav­ing com­pleted the migra­tion of the site to the new serv­er, اور ہم پر تہوار کے موسم کے ساتھ, I’m back being the fam­ily tech­nic­al sup­port. First chal­lenge of this year was to restore ser­vice to my grand­fath­ers broad­band which has­n’t been work­ing since he mis­takenly pressed the reset but­ton on his wire­less router.
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0Juice Podcaster Logoرس کے ساتھ مسئلہ - حل

For a while I’ve used the pod­cast man­ager Juice. میں تھوڑی دیر کے لئے بہت خوش رہا ہوں, but the oth­er day it sud­denly stopped run­ning for no obvi­ous reas­on. Unin­stalling and rein­stalling did­n’t resolve the issue, but after some dig­ging I dis­covered the unin­stall­a­tion pro­cess was­n’t delet­ing the set­tings file. On Win­dows XP this is loc­ated in C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data and is a folder called iPod­der (not Juice!). Delet­ing this folder and then rein­stalling Juice restored it to its former glory.