0HTC Desire Android LogoROM per HTC Desire Alternative

Per l'ultimo 9 months or so I’ve been experiement­ing with altern­at­ive android ROMs for my HTC Desire. Whilst there is noth­ing par­tic­u­larly wrong with the offi­cial HTC ROM, they are often slow to release new ver­sions of Android or Sense for older phones like the Desire. I was keen to have some of the Sense 3 caratteristi-, insieme al senso sito web l'accesso al mio cellulare.

Ho provato vari­ous ROMs, RCMix incluso, Insert­Coin, Evol­u­tion­ary Sense, Crys­tal King­dom, and AceS­MOD.  Tutti loro hanno lavorato, and provided sim­il­ar fea­tures. How­ever, after much exper­i­ment­a­tion I’ve settled on AceS­Mod which I can highly recom­mend. I’ve been run­ning ver­sion 33 per quasi 2 mesi, and was using an earli­er ver­sion for a month or so before that. In that time, il ROM has proven to be at least as stable and reli­able as any oth­er, includ­ing the offi­cial HTC ROMI’ve had no issues with call qual­ity or any oth­er sig­nals (wire­less, 3sol, GPS).  Bat­tery life has been amongst the best, se non il migliore, that I’ve ever had. All the fea­tures are there, and there are still reg­u­lar updates (la versione più recente è v40), to which I will be upgrad­ing soon. There are also vari­ous nice addons, includ­ing a bat­tery icon mod.

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