DIY وسائل الإعلام الرئيسية الشعار

الموقع النهائي لتصميم وإنشاء مسرح منزلي الخاص ومرحبا فاي الإعداد الخاصة.

14MC-TVConverterMC-TVConverter: بديل لMCEBuddy?

لقد تم في أعقاب تطوير MCEBuddy لبعض الوقت الآن, كما كان بطريقة حرة فقط لفيرت WTV الملفات إلى تنسيق أكثر توافقا. فإنه لا يزال في بيتا ولكن, وبينما كان يعمل لديها 2 سلبيات في رأيي. انها ترانسكوديس الفيديو وهو ما يعني خسارة حتمية للجودة, وهذا يعني أيضا أنه يأخذ وقتا طويلا لفيرت كل تسجيل. حول 4 hours for a 1Hr BBC HD record­ing on my Sem­pron LE-1100 serv­er.Yes­ter­day I dis­covered anoth­er free tool for con­vert­ing WTV files, دعا MC-TVConverterI gave this a quick tri­al run with a 1:05hr epis­ode of Life recor­ded from BBC HD. The file is 4.84Gig and con­tains H.264 and AC3 streams, ومثالي أود ملف جديد في الخبر, mkv or mp4 format which con­tains the same streams, unaltered. My tri­al only took just under 5 دقيقة لأزمة الملف, and to be hon­est I was­n’t very optim­ist­ic that it had worked. How­ever, the ts file gen­er­ated plays back per­fectlyUnlike MCE­Buddy, MC-TVCon­vert­er has done exactly as I hoped — it simply remuxes the streams without any transcod­ing of the streams. Result!

MCE­Buddy does have some oth­er very use­ful fea­tures how­ever. It has a folder mon­it­or­ing sys­tem which auto­mat­ic­ally detects recor­ded files, and it has sup­port for remov­al of advert breaks. Can MC-TVCon­vert­er do the sameAppar­ently soBoth fea­tures seem to be present. I will be test­ing both in the next few days and will update this art­icle accordingly.

تحديث 27 فبراير 2012

As Hunny­Puppy points out in the com­ments below, MCE-الأصدقاء 2 نهائي خارج ومنذ 2.1.2 كما يقوم REMUX سريع دون فيرت, and has sev­er­al advantages

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check the unpro­cessed pro­files of mce­buddy. فإنه يمكن تجنب تحويل الشفرة.


FYI incase you did­n’t know, MCE-الأصدقاء 2.3.15 now sup­ports hard­ware (quick­sync and open­cl) encod­ing. That’s a 10x increase in speed for me using the High Qual­ity profile.


Cool stuff — on yes­ter­day’s update with 2.3.14 BETA now MCE­Buddy sup­port HD H264 remux­ing WITHOUT transcod­ing. Damn this thing is fast!


MCE-الأصدقاء 2.3.12 الصخور! 95+ new fea­tures includ­ing sup­port for TIVO! غوتو أقول إنني أحب هذا أكثر كل يوم


حتى هنا هي الأولى من نوعها, MCE-الأصدقاء 2.3.9 can now SAVE the files back into WTV format after remov­ing the commercials


Did you know you can ask MCE­Buddy to save the Metadata (either manu­ally right click on the file and click on Gen­er­ate XML) or select the option to cre­ate an XML file in the con­ver­sion set­tings page.


The thing that’s push­ing me away from MCE­Buddy is that when it transcodes or remuxes, فإنه يفقد البيانات الوصفية المعرض. I have to try to fig­ure out what the file is from its name. Com­skip is a bit dif­fi­cult to get tuned so it does­n’t clip stuff you want to watch, ولكن فقدان الفوقية هي القاتل.

JSجون سكيف

Agreed — its the most import­ant thing to fix in MCE­Buddy IMHO. You can get it to put lots of info into the file name though and then use anoth­er app to rename the file prop­erly. I use media cen­ter mas­ter which works pretty well.


This just keeps get­ting better.

Now you can get eMail noti­fic­a­tions on con­ver­sions (fail­ure or suc­cess). مع 2.1.8 you can extract closed cap­tions from record­ings as sub­titles and also sync them with the video auto­mat­ic­ally when remov­ing commercials.
يمكنك أيضا تقليم في الفيديو الآن لإزالة تلك الدقائق القليلة اضافية قبل وبعد العرض.


الدفع 2.1.5 — it now has sup­port for select­ing the audio lan­guage in the video file — that’s a first for any com­mer­cial remover and video converter 🙂

I love the new fea­tures, volume adjust­ment, drag n drop files to con­vert — all in all I think MCE­Buddy is way just bet­ter than MCTV con­vert­er now.


Actu­ally MCE­Buddy start­ing Release 2.1.2 also sup­ports a simple remux without transcod­ing in a few minutes. The pro­file is called NoRe­code (it repack­ages the remuxed .TS into a .AVI file).
أيضا, the tools used by MCE­Buddy and MCTV con­vert­er are exactly the same (كلا استخدام أداة تسمى REMUX) except that MCE­Buddy has sup­port more file types (MKV) and fail­ure scen­ari­os. مثلا, if ReMux fails to con­vert a file (it has lim­it­a­tions), MCE­Buddy has a fall­back mech­an­ism to Remux the file (البية يستغرق وقتا أطول) without transcod­ing it.
Couple of addi­tion­al fea­tues that MCE­Buddy has:
1. MCE­Buddy is bet­ter at hand­ling folder mon­it­or­ing (few­er issues with files which are cur­rently being recor­ded in the folder)
2. MCE­Buddy sup­ports mul­tiple sim­ul­tan­eous convresions
3. MCE­Buddy has sup­port for cre­at­ing folders and renam­ing the out­put file based on the series/movie data
4. MCE­Buddy has mul­ti­th­readed sup­por­ted for con­ver­sions start­ing 2.1.2 (about 20–30% faster vs older versions)
5. MCE­Buddy has vari­ous fall­back mech­an­ism for hand­ling con­vre­sion fail­ures (you’ll be sur­prised how many videos have cor­rup­ted or non stand­ard formats)

JSجون سكيف

AHHA, لذلك أرى. عندما كتبت هذا المنصب ثو, MCE-الأصدقاء 2 كان لا يزال في مرحلة تجريبية. شكرا على المعلومات, I will be giv­ing it a try in the near future
