
I’ve been hav­ing vari­ous issues run­ning Stark Cov­ers ever since I switched to Win­dows 7 x64の。今日, after explor­ing I’ve dis­covered the fol­low­ing com­bin­a­tion of fixes.

The first thing to do is to fix the fol­low­ing crash asso­ci­ated with the Medi­aInfo dll…

[bashの]  Attempt­ing to determ­ine media type via MediaInfo.dll Could not determ­ine video typeSystem.BadImageFormatException: An attempt was made to load a pro­gram with an incor­rect format. (Excep­tion from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)   at MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo.MediaInfo_New()   at MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo..ctor()   at StarkCovers.Program.MediaInfoDLL(String path)   at StarkCovers.Program.StarkConsole(String[] 引数)[/bashの]

This is easy to accom­plish — simply replace the mediainfo.dll in the Stark­Cov­ers folder with a 64bit ver­sion.

The next issue is that for some reas­on the way Stark Cov­ers called Medi­aInfo res­ults in a fail­ure to identi­fy quite a few types of file with the following…

[bashの]Attempting to determ­ine media type via mymovies.xml Type not found in mymovies.xml Determ­in­ing media type via file exten­sion File exten­sion not recog­nized cur­rently Attempt­ing to determ­ine media type via MediaInfo.dll CodecID/Hint &として;&として; CodecID &として;&として; Deprec­ated Codec/Family &として;&として; Codec not iden­ti­fied by MediaInfo.dll[/bashの]

あり 2 ways to resolve this. Either edit all you MyMovies.xml files and add in a media type, 例えば. <Media Type>DVD</Media Type> また, if you use Media Cen­ter Mas­ter, 使用 [int­link id=“85” type=“post”]post pro­cessing fea­ture to pass the inform­a­tion dir­ectly to stark covers[/intlink]
