Let me start with an admission: I’m one of those pedants on Facebook who likes to correct your spelling, punctuation and grammar. Some of you will think this is perfectly reasonable, whilst others will probably want an explanation. If you are one of the latter read on.
The simple fact is that as a social species our existence depends on communication, the clearer the better. When their only contact with you is virtual other people will make judgements about you based on what is available to them — including your یسپیجی. I correct spellings on Facebook for 2 وجوہات: 1. because I’m a teacher so it’s a habit; 2. because with modern web-browsers there is quite simply no excuse for incorrect spelling. So, to help everyone, here is a quick guide to enabling an automatic ‘Microsoft word like” spell-checker in your web-browser…
“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”