タグ別アーカイブ: PartSurfer


I was recently asked to look at the touch­pad on a HP Pavil­ion DV2000 laptop which had a faulty left but­ton. ノートパソコン用のスペアや修理は、多くの場合、私は見つけることが喜んでいたで来るのは難しいです HP Ser­vice manu­al として PDF, which included all the part num­bers, and then very pleased to find that HP offer an extens­ive dir­ect sales ser­vice for most parts via the HP PartSurfer. Suf­fice to say this laptop is now fixed, 非常に低価格で. Good move by HP — I won­der if oth­er major man­u­fac­tur­ers provide a sim­il­ar service?