Last year I posted about [intlink id=“41” type=“post”]improving the performance of Media Browser[/intlink]. In the end that attempt yielded disappointing results. However, I’ve recently been experimenting with various ways of improving performance as my library size increases.
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Berichten Getagged: performance
0Simple ways to make your PC much faster
There are lots of tips and advice out there on the internet about how to tweak the performance of your PC. Some of them have some useful tips, but the vast majority are of very little use, either because they are for the wrong operating system, or they don’t apply to your setup, or because they’re just plain wrong. When someone brings a PC to me and says its too slow, before I advise them to upgrade it (and that is always an option) I have a quick look for several things that are the leading cause of slow PC performance. Over 90% of the time carrying out the various steps detailed below results in a substantial improvement and a happy PC user.
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0Speeding up Media Browser
An article on Hack7MC caught my eye a couple of months ago, but I have only just got around to following up on it. The idea is to speed up the Media Browser plugin for Media Center by moving its library to a Cheap USB Flash drive, which hopefully offers much better performance than normal hard-disk drives. The first thing I did was test a couple of flash-based devices that I have against my desktop HardDrive…
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1Speeding up WMP12 & 7MC media library database
One of the problems with my HTPC that I have only just started looking at is how to use it to play and manage my large collection of audio CD’s which I have painstakingly ripped to FLAC’s. The Xiph codecs (see previous articles [intlink id=“38” type=“post”]here[/intlink] and [intlink id=“14” type=“post”]here[/intlink]) make it possible to play FLACs in 64bit media center, but the media library was incredibly slow.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”