CATEGORISED خطوط: متفرق ہارڈ ویئر

0PSU لوگوPSU مستعدی: اپ گریڈ کے قابل? part 3

This is the third install­ment in a series of art­icles address­ing PSU effi­ciency. Art­icle one focused on a [int­link id=“76” type=“post”]نظریاتی نئے سرور[/intlink], فن icle 2 ایک پر [int­link id=“77” type=“post”]عام ڈیسک ٹاپ پی سی[/intlink].  This art­icle will focus on a cur­rent real serv­er, and intro­duces a new PSU — an 80+ plat­in­um model.
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0PSU لوگوPSU مستعدی 2 — A typical gaming PC

Fol­low­ing on from the slight sur­prise that a new PSU is a poor invest­ment for a low power PC I decided I’d reas­sure myself that an effi­cient PSU is a good invest­ment for a typ­ic­al “enthu­si­ast” PC.

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0PSU لوگوLow power PC — new or old PSU

I have a serv­er that oper­ates 24.7. It occurred to me that I may be able to save some money on elec­tri­city bills if I could reduce its power con­sump­tion. It already has a low power AMD Sem­pron LE-1100 سی پی یو so the power draw of the sys­tem should be quite low, لیکن PSU is quite old and not espe­cially effi­cient. This got me think­ing about Power sup­plies designed for low power sys­tems. There are plenty of 80+ cer­ti­fied PSU’s out there with 500+ watt rat­ings, but are these actu­ally worth the invest­ment for a low power system?
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0وائرلیس وائی فائی 802.11 ABGN لوگوحل کیا: وائرلیس ویڈیو محرومی کے مسئلہ

I have a very strange issue which is caus­ing prob­lems play­ing videos over a wireless‑n net­work. Play­ing the videos causes the net­work to drop out after a short peri­od. Some­times this only lasts for 2–3 seconds, which just causes a video stut­ter. Oth­er times the drop out is more per­man­ent and takes nearly a minute to recov­er, وائرلیس ریڈیو پشت پر بند کر دیا جاتا ہے اور جب تک, تب پھر کنکشن اس وقت ہوتی ہے.
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0Nexus RealSilent 120 Orange Fan LogoStability issues

I’ve been hav­ing some sta­bil­ity issues with my HTPC recently. A rein­stall did­n’t help so I con­cluded it was hard­ware. Remov­ing all non essen­tials did­n’t help either so I figured it must be سی پی یو, memory or mobo related. Noth­ing is over­clocked or tweaked and its all fairly recent brand name kit. I stress tested the سی پی یو and memory without caus­ing either to fail, but I con­tin­ued to get occa­sion­al lockups and inter­mit­tent slug­gish performance.
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0Tinkerbell Fairy Wish List Logoٹیکنالوجی خواہش کی فہرست

انٹرنیٹ کے بارے میں سب سے بہترین چیزوں میں سے ایک ایک تقریبا کچھ بھی تلاش کر سکتے ہیں ہے. افسوس کی بات ہے, there are some things that can­’t be found (رٹ-ING کے وقت). Below is my per­son­al list that I’m hop­ing to even­tu­ally find…
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0ultrabook تو لوگو لیپ ٹاپ VAIO سونیGetting inside an Asus A2xxx

میں نے حال ہی کے ساتھ ایک مسئلہ کی چھان بین کرنے کے لئے ایک پرانے ISH پر Asus A2500 لیپ ٹاپ کے اندر حاصل کرنے کے لئے تھا سی ڈی-ROM ڈرائیو (اور میموری اپ گریڈ اور ایک وائرلیس کارڈ شامل کرنے کے لئے). Most laptops have a cov­er above the key­board that pops off, but on this par­tic­u­lar laptop it did­n’t seem attached in the usu­al way.
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0ultrabook تو لوگو لیپ ٹاپ VAIO سونیRepair HP Laptops and other hardware cheaply

I was recently asked to look at the touch­pad on a HP Pavil­ion DV2000 laptop which had a faulty left but­ton. Spares and repairs for laptops are often hard to come by so I was pleased to find the HP Ser­vice manu­al as a پی ڈی ایف, which included all the part num­bers, and then very pleased to find that HP offer an extens­ive dir­ect sales ser­vice for most parts via the HP PartSurfer. Suf­fice to say this laptop is now fixed, for a very low price. Good move by HP — I won­der if oth­er major man­u­fac­tur­ers provide a sim­il­ar service?