0Freesat HD علامتExtra Freesat channels

Update: ITV-HD has changed. See this [int­link id=“92” type=“post”]newer article[/intlink]

It seems that Win­dows Media Cen­ter 7 does­n’t find all the chan­nels that are FTA on the main برطانیہ Satel­lite group, the Astra 2D group at 28.2º East. I ima­gine many Freesat boxes wont either. Here are the fre­quen­cies for a few fully Free-To-Air Eng­lish lan­guage chan­nels avail­able on this satel­lite cluster…

— Film24 (12691 V 27500)
— Movies for Men (11224 V 27500)
— World Movies (12643 V 27500)
— Zone Hor­ror (11261 H 27500)
— Zone Thrill­er (12560 V 27500)
— Open Access 1 (11260 V 27500)

You should also find these chan­nels appear as well as they’re on some of the fre­quen­cies above

- Zone Romantica
— Open Access 2
— Open Access 3
— SA Direct

Quite a few oth­er chan­nels will also be found — as far as I’m aware they’re either encryp­ted or junk chan­nels or not Eng­lish language

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