0Android مارکیٹ گوگل کھیلیںپسند کریں پسند Android اطلاقات 4: سمر 2012

ہر اب اور تو مجھے پسندیدہ لوڈ، اتارنا Android اطلاقات کی اپنی فہرست کو اپ ڈیٹ. یہ ایپس میں وقت پر واپس اور دوبارہ جاری رکھنے ہیں. کے پچھلے ورژن [int­link id=“1576” type=“post”]خزاں 2011[/intlink], [int­link id=“711” type=“post”]موسم بہار کی 2011[/intlink] اور[int­link id=“57” type=“post”]سمر 2010[/intlink] بھی دستیاب ہیں. کئی گزشتہ کے دوران تبدیل نہیں کیا ہے، 2 سال!  ذیل میں موسم گرما 2012 کے لئے اپ ڈیٹ ہے ...

eBay Lets you track your bids and noti­fies you of updates
ایمیزون Works great with 1 click ordering!
PowerAMP Nice wid­get and sup­ports gap­less FLAC
ROM مینیجر Per­fect for man­aging altern­at­ive ROMs on your phone *requires root*
DVBLink Con­nects to DVBLink serv­er to man­age your home ٹی وی
Daily Cheezbur­ger LOL cats and more
فائر فاکس Bet­ter mobile browser
Google Shop­per Helps you find products online or in loc­al shops
شکار Secur­ity app — lets you remotely track and lock your device
And­FTP ایف ٹی پی client
Volume Lock­er Pre­vents acci­dent­al volume changes
گوئٹے مالا Blocks adverts on your phone *requires root*
Tor­rent-fu Allows you to man­age your tor­rent cli­ent and search for torrents
Android Agenda Wid­get by Every­body all the time

Android Agenda on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Excel­lent and highly cus­tom­is­able cal­en­dar widget
Cam­erAlert by PocketGPSWorld.com Ltd

Cam­erAlert on the Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Plu­gin for Sat Nav apps which provies alerts for speed cam­er­as, using the Pock­et­G­PSWorld database.
AutoDe­leteSMS by Jetpad.org

AutoDe­leteSMS on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Remove SMS mes­sages after a cer­tain­time, or after a cer­tain num­ber of texts from each contact.
SMS Popup by Adam K

SMS Popup on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Pops up text mes­sages and allows instant reply.
ES File Man­ager by EStrongs Inc.

ES File Man­ager on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Man­age files on your android phone.
ٹی وی Guide برطانیہ by tv24.co.uk

ٹی وی-Guide برطانیہ on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Full guide to برطانیہ ٹی وی.
Google Goggles by Google Inc.

Google Goggles on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Search the inter­net using pho­to’s you’ve taken with the phone camera.
Google Sky Map by Google Inc.

Google Sky Map on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Shows you what’s in the sky, stars, plan­ets, con­stel­la­tions. Uses the GPS and inbuilt compass.
GMail by Google Inc.

GMail on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Man­age your GMail from your phone
Face­book for Android by Facebook

Face­book for Android on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access your Face­book account from your phone.
گوگل نقشہ جات by Google Inc.

Google Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Google Maps on your phone.
handy­C­alc Cal­cu­lat­or by mmim

handy­C­alc Cal­cu­lat­or on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Ver­sat­ile cal­cu­lat­or and unit converter.
Shazam by Shazam Enter­tain­ment Limited

Shazam on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Auto­mat­ic music recognition.
Tun­eIn Radio by Tun­eIn Inc

Tun­eIn Radio on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access lots of radio sta­tions, include BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra.
Digit­ally Impor­ted Radio by Audi­oAd­dict Inc

Digit­ally Impor­ted Radio on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Digit­al stream­ing of elec­tron­ic music.
Adobe Flash Play­er by Adobe Systems

Adobe Flash Play­er on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Enable Flash anim­a­tions on your phone browser.
Google+ کی by Google Inc.

Google+ on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Access your Google+ account from your phone.
Cricbuzz Crick­et Scores by Cricbuzz.com

Cricbuzz Crick­et Scores on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Live crick­et scores widget.
gvSig Mini Maps by Prodevelop

gvSig Mini Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Altern­at­ive to Google Maps which includes O/S map data and more. Use­ful for find­ing routes along footpaths.
Wifi Ana­lyz­er by farproc

Wifi Ana­lyz­er on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Acts like the fam­ous Net Stum­bler. Provides inform­a­tion on all nearby wire­less broadcasts.
Google Trans­late by Google Inc.

Google Trans­late on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Trans­late instantly between mul­tiple lan­guages. Take pics with the cam­era and trans­late them.
Street View on Google Maps by Google Inc.

Street View on Google Maps on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Add street view to Google Maps on Android.
Voice Search by Google Inc.

Voice Search on Android Mar­ket (Android devices only)

Voice search app by Google.

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