0QTLiteの更新 & QuickTimeの代替

I’ve long been a user of Quick­Time Altern­at­ive, as a much light­er altern­at­ive to the full Apple Quick­Time. Sadly QT Altern­at­ive (and its cous­in QT Lite) has­n’t been updated in over a year, whilst Quick­Time has received sev­er­al secur­ity and bug fixes. Updat­ing QT Lite is a straight­for­ward pro­cess which I will detail below. I have also built an updated installer which is avail­able on the [int­link id=“741” type=“page”]ダウンロードページ[/intlink].  This installer is based on Apple Quick­Time 7.7.3 (28-12月、2012)

最初の, a quick note — QT Lite and Quick­Time altern­at­ive are the same thing — the only dif­fer­ence being that Quick­Time Altern­at­ive includes Media Play­er Clas­sic. Both ver­sions are based on Quick­Time 7.6.9. I would sug­gest avoid­ing Quick­Time Altern­at­ive, 代わりに, installing an up-to-date ver­sion of Media Play­er Clas­sic — Home Cinema, which you can find linked from the down­loads page.

The files installed by QT Lite are dir­ectly from the Quick­Time installer. They can be extrac­ted, and copied over the top of the files installed by QT Lite to update to the latest ver­sion. Below I will list the pro­ced­ure for extrac­tion and the files required for any­one that wishes to com­plete the update manu­ally (新しいインストーラーを使用するのではなく).  Please also note that I haven’t found a way to extract the browser plu­gins without actu­ally installing Quick­Time — but I don’t recom­mend installing the browser plu­gin any­way. If you do want to install the browser plu­gin then see the sec­tion at the bot­tom of this article.

The easy way — my updated installer

Down­load from the down­loads page

The manual way — 1. QuickTimeからファイルを抽出する

  1. Down­load the Quick­Time installer from 林檎
  2. Down­load the QT Lite installer from File­Hippo
  3. Extract the Quick­Time installer files from the down­loaded file with Win­RAR, or by run­ning QuicktimeInstaller.exe /extract
  4. 使用 lessM­SI quicktime.msiを新しいフォルダに抽出します
  5. Browse to the new folder — you should see 1 msiファイルと 2 フォルダー
  6. cを参照:\プログラムファイル quicktime (C言語:\プログラムファイル (86)\x64システムでのquicktime)
  7. The “QTSys­tem” folder con­tains all the files you need — copy it to some­where (e.g. your doc­u­ments folder)

The manual way — 2. ブラウザプラグイン [オプションのステップ]

  • Unin­stall any pre­vi­ous ver­sions of quick­time or quick­time lite
  • Run the stand­ard quick­time installer and install quicktime
  • cを参照:\プログラムファイル quicktime (C言語:\プログラムファイル (86)\x64システムでのquicktime)
  • The “plu­gins” folder con­tains all the files you need — copy it to some­where (e.g. your doc­u­ments folder)
  • Unin­stall quick­time, applic­a­tion sup­port, and apple soft­ware update from the con­trol panel

The manual way — 3. QTLiteのインストールと更新

  • Install QTL­ite
  • Copy the QTSys­tem folder you cop­ies earli­er into c:\プログラムファイル QTLite
  • When you’re asked about mer­ging and over-writ­ing, イエスと言う

The manual way — 4. ブラウザプラグインの更新 [オプションのステップ]

  • If you do want browser plu­gins, and you copied them from quick­time earli­er then read on
  • Copy the “Plu­gins” folder you copied earlier
  • For Fire­fox copy it to c:\program files\mozilla fire­fox and say yes to any mer­ging/over-writ­ing
  • Chromeの場合はcにコピーします:\program files\google\chrome and say yes to any mer­ging/over-writ­ing
  • There are prob­ably sim­il­ar steps for oth­er browsers, まだチェックしていません.


  1. 手順の詳細に従ってファイルを抽出します 1 and 3 above
  2. Extract the QTL­ite installer with “Uni­ver­sal Extract­or」 (a ver­sion of UE with up-to-date pre­requis­ites can be obtained from ajuaOn­line)
  3. また、インストールします InnoSetup (the uni­code ver­sion) — we’ll need it
  4. 内のファイルを上書きします {アプリ}\以前に保存したものが含まれるQTSystemフォルダー
  5. 内のファイルを上書きします {アプリ}\Plugins folder with the ones saved earli­er (some renam­ing and duplic­at­ing is required, これは明らかなはずです)
  6. Copy the files from plu­gins to vari­ous oth­er loc­a­tions (それらの多くは)
  7. Remove the “check” part of lines 631 and 632


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