0DVB منطقایک نیا نیٹ ورک ہوم میڈیا سیٹ اپ کی منصوبہ بندی

آنے والے مہینوں میں میں نے ایک نئی جائیداد خریدنے جائے گا, اور اپنے نئے گھر کے ساتھ جانے کے لئے, میں نے ایک نئے گھر میڈیا سیٹ اپ ضم ہو سکتا ہے کہ کس طرح پر بہت سے اپ پڑھ رہا تھا. حالیہ مہینوں میں کئی دلچسپ نئے اختیارات دستیاب ہو گئے ہیں, which finally makes the sort of setup I have always desired a real pos­sib­il­ity.Cur­rently, میرے پاس 1 HTPC which lives under the lounge ٹی وی and con­tains a Black­Gold twin freeview-HD tuner. Upstairs in the attic I have a Win­dows Serv­er 2008 R2 serv­er which con­tains a RAID card and approx 8Tb of stor­age. The HTPC is respons­ible for record­ing ٹی وی, whilst the serv­er con­tains vari­ous media and doc­u­ment lib­rar­ies. The serv­er runs 24.7, wheras the HTPC sleeps unless we are watch­ing or record­ing ٹی ویWe also have a bed­room ٹی وی with built-in freeview which isn’t con­nec­ted to the media-network.

Whilst this sys­tem is fine, and has served me well for a num­ber of years, I would like to find ways to also do the following

  • Man­age ٹی وی record­ings from my android phone, or via the web.
  • Store the recor­ded ٹی وی on the serv­er auto­mat­ic­ally, rather than on the HTPC.
  • Record the ٹی وی in a way that makes it access­ible on oth­er plat­forms or devices (یعنی. not in WTV format)
  • Hook the bed­room ٹی وی into the net­work, so recor­ded ٹی وی and all my stored media can be watched in the bed­room — most likely by put­ting a second HTPC into the bedroom.
  • Carry out ٹی وی record­ing on the serv­er, so the HTPC can be switched off, rather than left on standby, and also so that it can be smal­ler, lower powered, and quieter.
  • Replace the stor­age sys­tem in my serv­er, which cur­rently uses hard­ware raid, which whilst fast, can only be expan­ded up to 8 ڈرائیوز, which proves very costly when it comes time to replace the whole array. I also have prob­lems, doc­u­mented on anoth­er art­icle, where the raid array drops drives because the card expects enter­prise class drives, and desktop drives don’t have TLER / CCTL enabled.

My serv­er already has mul­tiple roles, includ­ing web and ایف ٹی پی serv­ers as well as metadata man­age­ment and auto­mated down­load­ing of vari­ous media (e.g. pod­casts).  It runs win­dows, and many of the apps I run on it are win­dows only. I can eas­ily put the ٹی وی cards I have in it, but Media Cen­ter isn’t avail­able on Win­dows Serv­er 2008. Due to the serv­er roles I use it for, I don’t want to replace Serv­er 2008 R2 with Win­dows 7 (which does include Media Cen­ter) so a solu­tion which provides ٹی وی record­ing without Media Centrer would be ideal. This would also address the prob­lem of recor­ded files being in WTV format, which isn’t very com­pat­ible with oth­er devices or plat­forms. The second issue I have is that I would like to oper­ate a soft­ware-based raid-like stor­age sys­tem which is much more flex­ible and expand­able than hard­ware-raid. The best solu­tion for this is UnRAID, but sadly this is a stan­dalone solu­tion, and wont run under Win­dows (without messy things like vir­tu­al machines which are too risky for the import­ance of my data).

The first pos­sib­il­ity I have iden­ti­fied for my stor­age needs is FlexRAIDThis is an UnRAID like sys­tem which runs on top of Win­dows. It is still cur­rently in devel­op­ment, and vari­ous parts are either alpha or beta, but it appears to offer all the fea­tures I want, and is being act­ively developed and sup­por­ted. I will be play­ing around with it in the upcom­ing weeks.

The solu­tion to the remain­ing issues is (hope­fully) all in 1. DVB­Lo­gic’s DVBLink Con­nect Serv­er provides a cent­ral­ised serv­er record­ing sys­tem which shares ٹی وی cards via net­work to Media Cen­ter, لوڈ، اتارنا Android, Boxee, DLNA devices and more. It enables pooled-record­ing for Media Cen­ter, watch­ing ٹی وی on mobile devices (Win­dows Phone 7, لوڈ، اتارنا Android, IOS), and remote man­age­ment of record­ings via web or mobile. It will run on the serv­er which can con­tain ٹی وی کارڈ, and store recor­ded ٹی وی along with all oth­er media. Unsur­pris­ingly it isn’t free, but giv­en the fea­ture list (and matur­ity) the price of €21 is very reasonable!

New Media Home Setup

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