CATEGORISED خطوط: ہوم اسسٹنٹ

4ہوم اسسٹنٹ میں MiFlora پلانٹ سینسرز

I’ve been suing the MiFlora Home Assist­ant integ­ra­tion to get data on vari­ous house plants for a while. How­ever along the way I’ve had to over­come vari­ous hurdles includ­ing lim­ited range of bluetooth, bat­tery life issues, and get­ting the bat­tery val­ues to report. I finally seem to have cracked all of these and now have a sys­tem that works reli­ably with lots of plants around the house. I’ve sum­mar­ised what I’ve used below.

مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

1ہوم اسسٹنٹ سے کوئی بھی ڈیوائس ہٹا دیں۔

I’ve now been using home assist­ant for sev­er­al years and most of the early chal­lenges and learn­ing-curves have been over-come. کس طرح کبھی, there has been a long-stand­ing issue that is a con­stant frus­tra­tion — remov­ing old devices does­n’t have a stand­ard approach and in some case is impossible from the GUI. اگرچہ ایک طریقہ ہے۔.
مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0ایوٹیک ڈور بیل 6 in HA — how to trigger the bell

I’ve had a Z‑Wave AeoTec Door­bell 6 for a while and had it linked to Home Assist­ant suc­cess­fully, but have nev­er been able to trig­ger the bell from with­in home assist­ant. Until now…
مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

2ہوم اسسٹنٹ کے لئے کونبی II اسٹیک پر فرم ویئر کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنا

I use a Con­Bee II یوایسبی stick for my zig­bee mesh in Home Assist­ant. I wanted to update the firm­ware and found it is easi­est to do this by shut­ting down HA, unplug­ging the stick and using a win­dows machine to update it, then put­ting it back into the HA sys­tem and boot­ing HA back up. There are full instruc­tions for the pro­cess in Win­dows on ڈریسڈن ایلکٹرونک کی ویب سائٹ

2ہوم اسسٹنٹ میں ایئر کوالٹی

I recently wrote about how to show bin col­lec­tion inform­a­tion in Home Assist­ant, and my next pro­ject was to pull some air qual­ity inform­a­tion. For­tu­nately I have a ‘Tado’ account which meant I could pull this inform­a­tion from their API کے using the fol­low­ing code
مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں

0ہوم اسسٹنٹ میں بن مجموعہ

I’ve been devel­op­ing my Home Assist­ant based smarthome setup for around a year now (since leav­ing SmartTh­ings) and after an ini­tial steep learn­ing curve I’ve been veyr happy with home assist­ant so I have star­ted work­ing to expand the things it does as I am con­if­dent it offers a long term basis for my smarthome. One thing I wanted to add was bin col­lec­tion data to remind me which bin is due when. As I live in Shef­field I needed to pull this data from the loc­al author­it­ies out-sources pro­vider (veolia). The fol­low­ing details how I did this, build­ing very much on the work of oth­ers who have done it already for oth­er regions
مکمل آرٹیکل پڑھیں