I’ve made a number of improvements to my home assistant instance of late and wanted to document what they were
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Posts Tagged: گھر کے اسسٹنٹ
ہوم اسسٹنٹ سے کوئی بھی ڈیوائس ہٹا دیں۔
I’ve now been using home assistant for several years and most of the early challenges and learning-curves have been over-come. کس طرح کبھی, there has been a long-standing issue that is a constant frustration — removing old devices doesn’t have a standard approach and in some case is impossible from the GUI. اگرچہ ایک طریقہ ہے۔.
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ایوٹیک ڈور بیل 6 in HA — how to trigger the bell
I’ve had a Z‑Wave AeoTec Doorbell 6 for a while and had it linked to Home Assistant successfully, but have never been able to trigger the bell from within home assistant. Until now…
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ہوم اسسٹنٹ کے لئے کونبی II اسٹیک پر فرم ویئر کو اپ ڈیٹ کرنا
I use a ConBee II یوایسبی stick for my zigbee mesh in Home Assistant. I wanted to update the firmware and found it is easiest to do this by shutting down HA, unplugging the stick and using a windows machine to update it, then putting it back into the HA system and booting HA back up. There are full instructions for the process in Windows on ڈریسڈن ایلکٹرونک کی ویب سائٹ
ہوم اسسٹنٹ میں ایئر کوالٹی
I recently wrote about how to show bin collection information in Home Assistant, and my next project was to pull some air quality information. Fortunately I have a ‘Tado’ account which meant I could pull this information from their API کے using the following code
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ہوم اسسٹنٹ میں بن مجموعہ
I’ve been developing my Home Assistant based smarthome setup for around a year now (since leaving SmartThings) and after an initial steep learning curve I’ve been veyr happy with home assistant so I have started working to expand the things it does as I am conifdent it offers a long term basis for my smarthome. One thing I wanted to add was bin collection data to remind me which bin is due when. As I live in Sheffield I needed to pull this data from the local authorities out-sources provider (veolia). The following details how I did this, building very much on the work of others who have done it already for other regions
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ہوم اسسٹنٹ کے ساتھ کام کرنے والے اوپن زیڈ کو حاصل کرنا
I am slowly migrating my smarthome setup to HomeAssistant which, as with most open-source projects, is pretty unfriendly to start with and takes some learning to use. I have an Aeotec ZStick and an Aeotec Doorbell 6 which work via Z‑Wave and I wanted to customise the tones and reduce the volume a little. آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ یہ آسان ہو گا?
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"گھر اسسٹنٹ" ایک ونڈوز کے پی سی پر مقرر کریں
As I’ve written about before I have a range of “smart home” devices that I’ve been gradually experimenting with. ان میں سے کچھ کو ملانے کا سب سے بڑا محرومیوں میں سے ایک بہت طاقت آپ کے ذریعے "بادل" جو بھی ہائی سپیڈ انٹرنیٹ کے ساتھ کچھ کاموں کے لئے ایک سے زیادہ سیکنڈ کی تاخیر کا باعث بن سکتی جانے کے لئے ہے ("ٹھیک ہے Google, گونگا Kodi کی ") مثال کے طور پر. میں آزاد "گھر اسسٹنٹ" ایک کوشش دینے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے. کچھ بھی لینکس کے ساتھ ہمیشہ کی طرح بنیاد, یہ اٹھنے اور صرف چلانے براہ راست آگے نہیں ہے. طریقہ یہ ہے ...
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”