I have spent quite a lot of time optimising the performance of this site, and as part of ongoing work I monitor new technologies that could help improve the speed for visitors. I’ve been tracking the adoption of next-generation image formats for a while and with support by web browsers now fairly widespread it was time to figure out how to make use of these new formats in wordpress.
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Posts Tagged: سکرپٹ
اسکرپٹ کے ساتھ ونڈوز ڈیسک ٹاپ سلائیڈ شو کو فعال کریں
I’ve been updating my unattended windows deployment setup recently, and one of the things I wanted to enable was the slideshow wallpaper with the location set to my wallpapers location on my server. This isn’t as straight-forward as it ought to be, but after bit of fiddling around I figured out how to do it fairly simply.
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بیچ اسکرپٹ محفوظ DHCP نام کی بنیاد پر پی سی کا نام تبدیل کریں
I use WDS on a standalone server to set up new پی سی and to reimage پی سی when they have ended up mangled beyond repair. With a good number of پی سی in my own house it is useful to reimage them ocasionally when swapping or upgrading hardware. Most of this process is now automated by an unattend.xml file but one step the unattended process doesn’t seem to support is renaming پی سی back to their original name.
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ونڈوز سرور کے لئے اپنی مرضی کے مطابق ایڈمرل فائل 2003 / ایکس پی ڈومین
I was digging thru an old back-up سی ڈی today and stumbled upon a custom ADM file I created when I was administering a Windows Server 2003 / Windows XP Domain. استمال کے لیے, copy the following code into notepad, save the file with a .adm extension on the system32 folder of a domain server. Open Group Policy editor and add the file, then browse to the “Technicians Settings” to enable any of the settings.
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سٹارک لئے درست X64 نظام پر حادثے کا احاطہ کرتا ہے
I’ve been having various issues running Stark Covers ever since I switched to Windows 7 x64. Today, after exploring I’ve discovered the following combination of fixes.
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MCM ساتھ بھی زیادہ اعلی درجے پوسٹ پروسیسنگ
I’ve been looking to further tweak the [intlink id=“75” type=“post”]Media Center Master post-processing script[/intlink] I’ve previously written about — partially to fix a few new files that were being incorrectly detected by Stark Covers, and also to build in some automatic image resizing which, as I’ve previously detailed, helps to [intlink id=“74” type=“post”]improve the performance of Media Browser[/intlink].
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مرکز اطلاعات ماسٹر کے ساتھ اعلی درجے پوسٹ پروسیسنگ
I use Media Center Master and StarkCovers to manage the metadata for all my local media on my HTPC. I like to have HD movies and ڈی وی ڈی use a different style of cover in stark to the style used by low quality files. The following command script accomplishes this (and a bit more)...
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پی ایچ پی / JavaScript to wake a PC remotely
I have an HTPC and a network server on my network. My server is always on, لیکن HTPC sleeps when it is not in use. If I want to schedule recordings remotely I need a way to wake the HTPC. The solution I came up with is to provide a webpage on my server (password protected) that wakes the HTPC and then redirects to the web interface of the remote control app of the HTPC. Below is the code for anyone interested…
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Adding a print icon to print individual blog posts
In addition to this blog I also have a blog about recipes. I decided that I wanted a print icon on the main page for each post so that people can print the recipes. Googling provided various suggestions, none of which worked. However, I eventually cobbled together the following, which seems to work…
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ایچ ٹی ایم ایل کی بنیاد پر پروگراموں پورے اسکرین کو شروع کرنے کے لئے کس طرح
I was asked recently if I could copy a teaching resource from a سی ڈی-ROM onto a laptop computer. This particular program is mostly ایچ ٹی ایم ایل with some embedded videos. وہاں تھے 2 problems with running it from a local shortcut.
1. Internet Explorer security warnings
2. The full-screen window is launched by a parent browser window which then sits on top of the full screen window and has to be closed when the full screen window is exited
Both of these are only annoyances rather than critical failures, but a complete solution involves fixing these kind of things. Finding a solution was a little tricky, but once the solution presented itself it was very simple.
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“Hi James I realise it has been a long while, but I just checked this on windows 11 (build 23H2)…”