پوسٹس ٹیگ شدہ: ونڈوز ایکس پی

0سیمسنگ کہکشاں S3Samsung Galaxy S3 ‘v’ Asus eeePC 901

تازہ ترین فونز کا موازنہ وہاں سے باہر کے جائزے کے بہت سارے ہیں, تازہ ترین گولیاں اور تازہ ترین نوٹ بک, لیکن بہت کم پہلے سے کہیں زیادہ کچھ حوالہ 18 months old. Most people don’t upgrade their kit any­where near that fre­quently which makes the com­par­is­ons rather use­less. In the 4–5 year time­frame which is a more typ­ic­al upgrade cycle for most people there have been huge changes to the com­put­ing power available.

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0Serial Key LogoReplacing an invalid Win XP key with a genuine key

If you’ve ever been asked to fix a PC and have sub­sequently dis­covered it has a non-genu­ine or inap­pro­pri­ate Win­dows XP key installed, and you wish to update the key with a legit­im­ate key, for example when a second hand laptop has been installed with a cor­por­ate key and needs updat­ing with the OEM key from the stick­er still attached to it, you may have run into prob­lems switch­ing between OEM, Volume and Retail ver­sions of windows.
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