Posts Tagged: x64 کے

2پیلا چاندپیلا چاند: فائر فاکس میں اضافہ اور 64bit میں

اب میں سال کے ایک جوڑے کے لئے ایک 64BIT فائر فاکس کے لئے تلاش کر رہا ہے, pretty much since Java and Flash play­er became avail­able in 64bit. Moz­illa seem in no hurry to pro­gress the mine­field night­lies into a full release, but sev­er­al third parties have taken the open source code and com­piled it for 64bit. I’ve looked at sev­er­al of these and the best sup­por­ted and most reg­u­larly updated seems to be a build called پیلا چاند.

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2FFmpeg LogoFFDShow DXVA H.264 کرپشن حل

I have recently been suf­fer­ing cor­rup­tion play­ing back some H.264 files with FFD­Show try­outs. After a bit of exper­i­ment­ing I’ve found that the last build without this issue is build 3949 سے 24th-July. I pre­vi­ously had issues with earli­er releases of FFD­Show that[int­link id=“1414” type=“post”]didn\‘t work with DXVA[/intlink] at all — for­tu­nately build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer this issue. I also[int­link id=“919” type=“post”]previously had a problem[/intlink] where some builds of FFD­Show were less effi­cient on my HTPC and were unable to smoothly decode some high bitrate movies, مثلا. a rip of the Inglori­ous Bas­terds Blu-Ray, which has forced me to con­tin­ue to use an old build from mid-2010 until now. Build 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from these issues either — so in terms of the 3 prob­lems I’ve had over the years with ffd­show, تعمیر 3949 does­n’t suf­fer from any of them, mak­ing it my build of choice for the fore­see­able future.

0dosboxونڈوز پر 16BIT ونڈوز اطلاقات چل رہا ہے 7

Whilst set­ting up a new laptop with Win­dows 7 X64 حال ہی میں, I was asked if I could get some old 16bit pro­grams run­ning. One of these was an edu­ca­tion­al piece of soft­ware called “Mul­ti­me­dia Motion II” by Cam­bridge Sci­ence Media. This is a win­dows pro­gram that has worked on all pre­vi­ous ver­sions of win­dows up to win­dows XP. How­ever, جیت dows 7 x64 no longer sup­ports 16bit Win­dows pro­grams, and instead throws the error about being an “Unsup­por­ted 16-bit applic­a­tion”… Read Full Article

4Humax پیویآر 9200THumax پیویآر 9200T سے پی سی سے کاپی فائلوں

I Humax PVT-9200T ڈبل freeview PVRs کے ایک جوڑے کے مالک, جس کے دونوں اب سے ریکارڈ کے پروگراموں کے ساتھ بہت مکمل ہیں. Humax eLinker نامی ایک پروگرام فراہم کی ہے, but it isn’t very good. A good altern­at­ive is Humax Media Con­trol­ler but unfor­tu­nately it does­n’t work with Win­dows x64, کے طور پر مائیک Dimmick وضاحت کرتا ہے. شکر ہے, مائیک بھی فائلوں کی کچھ patching کی طرف سے ایک حل پیدا کیا ہے, Humax میڈیا کنٹرولر اب ونڈوز میں کامیابی سے استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے تاکہ 7 x64. The only issue is that Win­dows must be booted with Driver Sign­ing Enforce­ment disabled.

Update Apr 2024

Mike’s site is still up but the link to that he offered is now dead.
I found a copy of Humax Media Con­trol­ler with Mike’s driver added that I down­loaded and e‑mailed to someone around 14 years ago still intact in my old gmail and have now res­cued it.
You can down­load it dir­ectly یہاں

72Canon CanoScan LIDE سکینراپنے پرانے سکینر کو ونڈوز 7 x 64 کے ساتھ کام کرتے ہوئے حاصل کریں

حالیہ مہینوں میں میں نے جہاں لوگوں نے مجھے ان کے حاصل کرنے میں مدد کے لئے پوچھ رابطہ کیا ہے کئی مسائل کا سامنا کرنا پڑا یوایسبی سکین ners نئے پر کام کر پی سی.  ہر معاملے میں نیا پی سی جیت dows کے ساتھ آئے ہیں 7 x64 کے, اور سکین ners کیا گیا ہے یوایسبی آلات کینن اور Nikon کی طرف سے تیار. ان امیجنگ ماہرین دونوں سنجیدگی سے حمایت کی مصنوعات پر گیند گرا دیا ہے, includ­ing some quite expens­ive premi­um kit from not all that long ago.
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0فلیش بھی FLV علامتفلیش پلیئر 11: سرکاری 64bit کے

ایڈوب فلیش پلیئر 11 جاری کیا گیا ہے. یہ آخر میں دونوں کے لئے ایک سب میں ایک انسٹالر میں سرکاری 64bit کے حمایت لاتا ہے 64 اور 32bit کے. ہارڈویئر سرعت کاری بھی اب شامل ہے. اچھا کام ایڈوب, ماضی کے مقابلے میں کم سیکورٹی کے مسائل موجود ہیں صرف امید کی اجازت دیتا ہے.

0adobe acrobat pdf logoAdding searching of PDF file contents from Windows search

جیت dows 7 (and Vista) include a search sys­tem that can search not just file names, but the con­tents of files. Microsoft Office doc­u­ments are all sup­por­ted by default, تاہم پی ڈی ایف files are not. Adobe provide a plu­gin which is included with Adobe Read­er 9 (and new­er) which enables this func­tion­al­ity. How­ever a 64bit plu­gin is not included. Adobe now provide ver­sion 9 of their iFil­ter for x64 64bit sys­tems which is freely downloadable

0MCEBuddy لوگوMCEBuddy — v2 Beta 14

MCE-بڈی 2 بیٹا 14 has been released. It’s the first release in a long time that is a com­plete pro­gram. It also includes offi­cial x64 sup­port. There are still some major issues remain­ing, but with­in those lim­its it should be an excel­lent solu­tion for con­vert­ing wtv files and strip­ping adverts from them.

0FFmpeg LogoUnsolved: Decoding interlaced vc1 in Media Center x64

Whilst my MediaPC setup can decode just about everything thrown at it, I have had prob­lems decod­ing inter­laced VC1 con­tent. The prob­lem is caused by the fail­ure of ffm­peg to sup­port inter­laced vc1. Whilst there are oth­er codecs (مثلا. cyber­link or arc­soft) these are cur­rently not avail­able as x64. Cyber­link do have an x64 codec for h.264 and mpeg2, but I haven’t been able to get it to work with VC1 con­tent. Hope­fully ffm­peg will fix inter­laced vc1 sup­port soon, but as its been on the to do list for over 2 years I’m not hold­ing my breath

0Serial Key Logoونڈوز سے سیریلوں کی بازیافت

I am fre­quently giv­en پی سی to repair that require a rein­stall of win­dows. These often don’t come with a full list of seri­al num­bers for the soft­ware installed on them. To avoid the hassle of ask­ing the own­er to dig the seri­als out, it is easi­er to simply pull the seri­als from the old install before wip­ing.… Read Full Article