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अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

0Blackgold BGT3630 लोगोकाला सोना: परम टीवी ट्यूनर कार्ड?

Whilst look­ing for drivers for my Pin­nacle 3010ix freeview tuner I noticed Black­gold have a new टीवी tuner due on the mar­ket. The Black­gold BGT3630 looks pro­vi­sion­ally to tick all the boxes for me. It sup­ports डीवीबी-टी / टी 2 और डीवीबी-S/S2 as well as Ana­log and Cable डीवीबी-CSo everything and the kit­chen sink. The card is also sup­plied with low and full pro­file brack­ets and fits a पीसीआई-E 1x slot. I sup­pose the only thing lack­ing is that it seems to only be a single-tuner for each format. Of course 2 कार्ड को हल करती है कि (if you have 2 pci‑e slots free in your HTPC)

If its not dual-tuner then an altern­at­ive and equi­val­ent solu­tion would be to get 2 cards — a BGT3620 for डीवीबी-T/T2 and a BGT3595 for डीवीबी-S2/S. This solu­tion would actu­ally provide dual डीवीबी-S2, दोहरी डीवीबी-T2 AND dual डीवीबी-T, की कुल के लिए 6 ट्यूनर!

अद्यतन: 1‑sept-2011

There are now bet­ter options from black­gold. The BGT3600 sup­ports dual डीवीबी-T2, and dual डीवीबी-S2. The BGT3650 offers quad डीवीबी-S2. Both of these cards offer 4 tuners. A pair of them would offer a more-than-suf­fi­cient 8 ट्यूनर!

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