Posts Tagged: سرور 2003

0Group Policy Logoونڈوز سرور کے لئے اپنی مرضی کے مطابق ایڈمرل فائل 2003 / ایکس پی ڈومین

I was dig­ging thru an old back-up سی ڈی today and stumbled upon a cus­tom ADM file I cre­ated when I was admin­is­ter­ing a Win­dows Serv­er 2003 / Win­dows XP Domain. استمال کے لیے, copy the fol­low­ing code into note­pad, save the file with a .adm exten­sion on the system32 folder of a domain serv­er. Open Group Policy edit­or and add the file, then browse to the “Tech­ni­cians Set­tings” to enable any of the settings.
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