DIY मीडिया होम लोगो

अपनी खुद की होम थिएटर और हाय-Fi सेटअप डिजाइन और बनाने के लिए परम साइट.

0पीसी हार्डवेयर सीपीयू राम का उन्नयनसरल तरीके से अपने पीसी बहुत तेजी से बनाने के लिए

There are lots of tips and advice out there on the inter­net about how to tweak the per­form­ance of your PC. Some of them have some use­ful tips, but the vast major­ity are of very little use, either because they are for the wrong oper­at­ing sys­tem, or they don’t apply to your setup, or because they’re just plain wrong. When someone brings a PC to me and says its too slow, before I advise them to upgrade it (and that is always an option) I have a quick look for sev­er­al things that are the lead­ing cause of slow PC per­form­ance. ओवर 90% of the time car­ry­ing out the vari­ous steps detailed below res­ults in a sub­stan­tial improve­ment and a happy PC user.

Some of the advice provided is very easy to fol­low. Some requires a little bit more tech­nic­al com­pet­ence. If you’re not sure what you’re doing it’s bet­ter to stop and ask than to mess up your sys­tem even more.

1. Anti-Vir­us / Fire­walls etc.

There is an abund­ance of secur­ity solu­tions out there. Some are bet­ter than oth­ers. The most com­mon ones often come bundled with new PC’s. They may be effect­ive, but in my view the “cure” is almost as bad as the “dis­ease”. Suites by big names (उदा.. Norton, McAfee) take an appaul­ing toll on the per­form­ance of your PC, and come with a yearly renew­al “tax” to boot. The first thing to do is replace them with an excel­lent and free solu­tion with a low impact on sys­tem per­form­ance: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट Secur अल्पसंख्यक अनिवार्य

  • डाउन लोड secur­ity essen­tials for your ver­sion of Win­dows from Microsoft
  • Unin­stall your pre­vi­ous anti-vir­us suite: Go into con­trol pan­el and then open “add/remove pro­grams” or “pro­grams and fea­tures” (depend­ing on your ver­sion of win­dows). Look for and unin­stall any products related to: Symantec, Norton, McAfee, Sophos, Kasper­sky, AVG, Avast, Bit­De­fend­er, Panda, Trend Micro.
  • Note — Wiki­Pe­dia provides a full list of anti­vir­us software
  • Install and update Secur­ity Essentials

1बी. Secur­ity

Whilst we’re updat­ing your anti-vir­us pro­tec­tion it is worth updat­ing vari­ous oth­er pieces of soft­ware to reduce the likely­hood of any nas­ties get­ting onto your PC

2. Check for nasties
In my exper­i­ence the large major­ity of typ­ic­al 3+ year old PC’s are infect with some kind of nasty, even if they have had anti-vir­us soft­ware installed. Before going any fur­ther it is worth check­ing for and elim­in­at­ing any mali­cious programs.

3. Remove old soft­ware that you no longer use

If you have old soft­ware that you nev­er used still installed it is worth remov­ing it. It is occupy­ing disk space which causes a small reduc­tion in per­form­ance, and it is also pos­sible that it has ser­vices or start-up util­it­ies that were installed with it that will be run­ning on your sys­tem all the time using resources for no good reason!

  • Open con­trol pan­el and then open “add/remove pro­grams” or “pro­grams and fea­tures” (depend­ing on your ver­sion of windows).
  • Go thru the list and unin­stall any pro­grams that you are con­fid­ent you no longer need or use

4. Clear disk space and tem­por­ary files

Over time all PC’s build up a col­lec­tion of unnecesary files. These slow disk access, and Win­dows response times. They are easy to clear auto­mat­ic­ally. The first thing to run is a built-in Microsoft tool, and then to be thor­ough, also down­load and use a free utility

  • Start पर क्लिक करें, all pro­grams, accessor­ies, sys­tem tools, disk cleanup (or use start: run and type cleanmgr)
  • Wait for the scan to complete
  • On Vista and Win­dows 7 click the “Clean up sys­tem files” but­ton on the win­dow that appears
  • Tick all the options and click OK
  • डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें CCleaner
  • डाउनलोड और इंस्टॉल करें CCEnhan-प्रमाणपत्र
  • Run CCle­an­er
  • Click Ana­lyze
  • Click Run Cleaner
  • If you haven’t already, down­load प्रणाली निंजा
  • Run Sys­tem Ninja and use the “Junk Scanner”

5. Run a disk defrag

This prob­ably wont do a great deal for per­form­ance over­all, but if you freed up much disk space with steps 2 या 3 then it should improve win­dows boot-up time and may make a small dif­fer­ence to respons­ive­ness. Some ver­sions of win­dows carry out sched­uled defrags any­way in which case this wont make any dif­fer­ence, but it cer­tainly can­’t do any harm.

  • Open start: all pro­grams: accessor­ies: sys­tem tools: Disk defragmenter
  • Fol­low the instructions

6. Install or update chip­set drivers

Many पीसी I have encountered over the years have used very out­dated, or simply haven’t had any chip­set drivers installed at all. Hav­ing very old chip­set drivers, or rely­ing on the gen­er­ic drivers microsoft builds into win­dows can some­times severely impact performance.

  • डाउन लोड, install and run सीपीयू-साथ
  • Select the “main­board” tab
  • Make a note of the first 2 entries in the line “chip­set”. These will be the man­u­fac­turer and model.
  • If the inform­a­tion isn’t clear or help­ful try using Speccy बजाय
  • Most chip­sets are man­u­fac­tured by: इंटेल, Via, Sis, AMD / ATi, nVidia, ULi / ALi
  • Go to the man­u­fac­tur­ers web­site and find the “down­loads” sec­tion (click­ing on the man­u­fac­turer name above should take you to the cor­rect area)
  • Search for drivers appro­pri­ate for your ver­sion of win­dows for your mod­el of chipset
  • Down­load and install drivers if you loc­ate them.
  • Restart win­dows

7. Install or update video drivers

This is unlikely to make much dif­fer­ence to gen­er­al win­dows per­form­ance, but it could make a large dif­fer­ence to some applic­a­tions, espe­cially games.

  • If you haven’t already, down­load, install and run सीपीयू-साथ
  • Select the “Graph­ics” tab
  • Try to identi­fy the man­u­fac­turer and the mod­el name of your graph­ics chip from the name box, सीपीयू-Z will prob­ably dis­play a logo with the man­u­fac­turer name on.
  • If the inform­a­tion isn’t clear or help­ful try using Speccy या GPU-साथ बजाय
  • The man­u­fac­turer is likely to be one of the fol­low­ing: इंटेल, nVidia, AMD / ATi / Radeon, Via, Matrox, SiS
  • Go to the man­u­fac­tur­ers web­site and find the “down­loads” sec­tion (click­ing on the man­u­fac­turer name above should take you to the cor­rect area)
  • Search for drivers appro­pri­ate for your ver­sion of win­dows for your mod­el of graph­ics card
  • Down­load and install drivers if you loc­ate them.
  • Restart win­dows

8. A hard­ware issue…

Your PC needs good air­flow to keep cool. Whilst mod­ern पीसी are unlikely to crash from over­heat­ing, they instead suf­fer severe per­form­ance degrad­a­tion. The सीपीयू will detect that it is get­ting to hot and will decrease its speed to keep cool. This is an issue that I have very fre­quently encountered with laptops. Desktop पीसी are far less prone, but many still suffer.

  • If you have a desktop PC take the case off (unless it is still in war­ranty in which case skip this tip!) and check for dust or fluff in the large met­al heat­sink. Also check for dust or fluff inside the case in gen­er­al. If there is much present I recom­mend dis­con­nect­ing the wires, mov­ing the PC to the open air and care­fully using a vacu­um clean­er (or even bet­ter an air dust­er / com­pressed air) to remove as much of the dust as possible.
  • If you have a laptop or port­able care­fully check the vents in the bot­tom, side and rear of the cas­ing. With some laptops it may also be pos­sible to remove the part of the cas­ing over the area. Care­fully remove any dust or fluff. If there is sub­stan­tial fluff block­ing the vents that you can­’t remove try using an air dust­er. If this fails con­sider tak­ing your laptop to a loc­al expert.

9. Star­tup pro­grams: the most dif­fi­cult, but most effective…

This is the largest and most com­plic­ated part of any PC clean-up pro­ced­ure and as such I have giv­en it a ded­ic­ated post. (com­ing soon!).  मतलब समय में, use the Star­tup Man­ager included with प्रणाली निंजा

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