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टैग लिखने के बाद: DOSBox

0DOSBoxविंडोज पर 16bit विंडोज क्षुधा चलाने 7

विंडोज के साथ एक नया लैपटॉप की स्थापना whilst 7 x 64 हाल ही में, I was asked if I could get some old 16bit pro­grams run­ning. One of these was an edu­ca­tion­al piece of soft­ware called “Mul­ti­me­dia Motion II” by Cam­bridge Sci­ence Media. This is a win­dows pro­gram that has worked on all pre­vi­ous ver­sions of win­dows up to win­dows XP. How­ever, जीत Dows 7 x 64 नहीं रह 16bit विंडोज प्रोग्राम का समर्थन करता है, and instead throws the error about being an “Unsup­por­ted 16-bit applic­a­tion”… Read Full Article