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टैग लिखने के बाद: QWERTY

0मोटोरोला NYXBoard QWERTY रिमोटमोटोरोला NYXBoard

अच्छी तरह से, a big con­grat­u­la­tions to पल्स-आठ and roy­al mail — I ordered a motorola NYX­Board QWERTY Remote con­trol on Monday, तथा 21 hours later it arrived at my door — and all that for free post­age! पढ़ें पूर्ण अनुच्छेद

0मोटोरोला NYXBoard QWERTY रिमोटBoxee रिमोट कीबोर्ड से परे देख रहे हैं

For a long time I’ve been search­ing for the ideal HTPC remote con­trol. I want a fairly stand­ard remote, but with a QWERTY key­board on the back, or inside a flip/slide out part. I’ve been track­ing the options in [int­link id=“46” type=“post”]an art­icle from Jan-2010[/intlink], and even­tu­ally ordered myself a Boxee remote a few months back. The boxee is an excel­lent wire­less key­board, लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से, Boxee "एप्पल मार्ग" जाने के लिए चुना है, (उर्फ नीचे dumbed) गैर QWERTY की ओर। के एक कुल रहे हैं 7 but­tons, non of which is a power but­ton. There is also no “back up” type but­ton. This makes the boxee pretty use­less for Media Cen­ter 7.… पढ़ें पूर्ण अनुच्छेद